Overly Coached (Idea)

Start from the beginning

Two Weeks Later.

Beep beep beep beep

Your alarm rings you groan as you hit the snooze button without even looking. You bundle yourself up falling back alsleep.

You wake up hours later getting out of the bed you look at the time, the clock reads 3pm your eyes widen when you realize you had practice at 1 today.

Why didn't Niall wake you up?

You quickly get dressed before heading out to the gym. When you get there you hear Niall's voice ringing through the building as you get closer to the gym.

"-You guys were awesome today, you are all working hard and I'm very proud. Tomorrow is our first game and I'm sure we are gonna win. Get plenty of rest tonight I will see you tomorrow." He finishes just as you walk in everybody walks away when he spots you and shakes his head. You walk up to him as he's looking at his clip board.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" You ask clearly confused he sighs before looking up at you ,

"You don't get special treatment I shouldn't have to wake you up Y/N you should've known when to be here." He say harshly and you huff.

"Well maybe if you weren't so hard on me making me work hard all the time then I wouldn't be so tired and then I could wake up!" You fire back.

"Don't try and blame you not waking up for practice on me!" He yells at you.

"It's your fault!" You respond loudly .

"You know what I don't have time for this and since you weren't at the last practice before the game then you can't play tomorrow so don't even bother showing up stay at home." He says walking away from you.

"You can't do that!" You run after him.

"You aren't playing tomorrow ." He says again turning around causing you to bump into him.

"See you at home." He adds kissing you on the cheek you move your face he notices but doesn't say anything as he walks away from you.

You sigh watching as he walks out the gym.

As soon as the door closed you yelled loudly in frustration.

The next day.

You woke up to Niall shuffling around, you looked at the time the clock read 11am he looked at you and you groaned getting up from the bed , you walked pass him not saying a word you were still mad by his previous actions. You started the coffee machine before scavenging around for some breakfast.

You decided on Cinnamon Rolls Niall would flip out if he saw you eating those before any game but you didn't care you weren't going. You grabbed a pan before sitting one big cinnamon roll on it. You set a timer and temperature before popping it in the oven.

By the time it was done you already had your coffee and Niall was finished. You grabbed a plate sitting the cinnamon roll ontop, before icing it.

Niall comes through and grabs a cup. He looks at you before sighing.

"You know if you are gonna be mad at me for following the rules." He starts and you raise you hand up silencing him.

"I don't want to hear it Niall." You state and he shakes his head.

"You are being really immature and annoying." He tells you and you slam the knife you were using to spread the icing down on the counter top. Niall jumps in surprise.

"I'm being annoying!" You raise your voice.

"Says the one who's suppose to be my boyfriend but is acting like my father!" You continue.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now