6. The Aquarium Pt.2

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Y/n pointed to a Rockhopper penguin "hey..that penguin..looks familiar!" She exclaimed, squinting her eyes at the penguin then back at Choso "I think he's your spirit animal" She laughs to herself. Choso smiled slightly at this and hummed in a..happy way. the rest of the time they still continued to walk and observe the rest of the area. However, the French Angelfish never had left Choso's mind for a reason he himself didnt know.

He found himself daydreaming and without realizing it, he caught himself staring at Y/n.

The description of the french angelfish stayed in his head and to his surprise he began to wonder what it was like to have a lifelong relationship, where the two never left eachothers side. This confused the man and it slightly annoyed him. He couldn't care less about that stuff.

He had one priority and that was killing Yuji Itadori but in the meanwhile he had the mission of converting Y/n to join their side and well, he was failing at that plan because he honestly felt bad for basically lying to her face. This also annoyed him because why did he even care about her feelings?

He rolled his eyes and cringed thinking about love of all things. He's a cursed spirit..and half human but thats beside the point. A relationship let alone a friendship was the least of his concern. But to be honest he started to slowly understand more and more what Y/n meant about wanting to be as carefree as a fish as silly as it was.

He didn't even understand why he was having these thoughts at all. He scoffed to himself and looked up at Y/n. Her eyes were gentle but had fierce look in them. She was a very bubbly person but always knew when to read the room when the time was right. Choso admired that about her as he himself wasn't a very expressive person at all.

He sighed frustrated at his own confusion and lack of understanding of these newfound feelings and questions that cycled his head.

He remained quiet the rest of their time there.

Y/n was confused by Choso's sudden quiet state. Yes, that's how he usually was.. all the time. But it was different this time. She couldn't help but think maybe she did something to upset him? His quietness was eerie and cold. He seemed bothered. Was it her comment about the penguin?

The two had finished exploring the place after almost 3 hours of wandering around the entire aquarium. Y/n frowned as they made it back to where they started.

"Ready to go?" Y/n questioned, looking up at Choso's blank face. "Choso?" Y/n called out to him due to his lack of a response as he stared into space. Choso finally glanced at Y/n, snapping out of his own head.

"Hm?..oh I apologize.." he says lowly

"It's okay..I just asked if you were ready to go?" Y/n repeats

"Oh..yeah I guess we made it back" Choso says looking around, taking in his surroundings

"Yeah.. we did."

The drive home was quiet and mellow. Choso again stared out the window like an angsty teen while Y/n looked ahead while driving, occasionally taking glances at the man..her heart racing slightly more when she did.

Y/n looked at the time, it was only 3 pm. Still had the whole day ahead of them. She hummed to herself thinking of what to do.

"Choso" she suddenly spoke, eyes still facing straight ahead

Choso's head snapped in her direction, curious and confused.

"Did you want me to take you back to your place?" Still looking straight ahead.

Something in Y/n's head wanted him to say no

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