4. You Again?

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A/n: guys for now I'll refer to the coffee place as The bakery since I understand some may not life coffee! Enjoy <3

The night Choso was told of the whole plan by Jogo, he went back with a feeling he couldn't shake off. His stomach turned and he felt a sense of guilt. He was frustrated by his lack of understanding for his guilt considering Y/n was the enemy who's in relation with those who killed his brothers. Maybe it was the kindness he saw that came naturally from Y/n. Or the sadness she felt when expressing the death of her sister. How he to was able to relate of being an older sibling who lost his siblings as well.

August 24th

Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at herself in the circle led mirror she would use to do her makeup with.

She never was one to wear a lot of makeup, sometimes she did it for fun, to explore her own creativity, and other times she did it to feel a little more confident.

But times like this is when she did it to cover up her puffy and dark under eyes.

Today marks the 8 month anniversary since Geto's death. Y/n had usually been pretty good with handling his anniversary's. She used those days to honor him the most and remember the happy times. But this time felt so much harder to her.

However, that was because she had Gojo and Shoko to keep her company. Her apartment had since been empty now that the two had left a month ago. Leaving this to be her first time being alone on his anniversary.

Y/n was usually okay with being alone on most occasions. However the type of loneliness she felt when she had to once again realize that Suguru was no longer in this world with her, was a different kind of lonely. A type she hated being alone for. A type lonely she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy. Well, maybe Sukuna. A type of lonely that brought her back to her childhood where she was forced to be alone.

She hated her inability to fully be contempt in being alone. She wanted to find peace with just herself to keep her company but no matter what she always found herself longing for someone to be by her side.

She opened her concealer. A small pop from the stick of the concealer when it's pulled out of the tube. She lightly dabs it under her eyes and uses her finger tips to blend it out.

This was Y/n's 3rd time reapplying the concealer. The times before were washed away by her tears. She bit her bottom lip that almost began to quiver and widened her eyes to keep them from tearing up too much.

She exhales and dabs the tissue on her bottom eyelid. Cleaning up the mess before it spills again. She heaved deeply and looked at herself. Her reflection stared back at her.

" What a mess you are"

Her phone dings, snapping her attention away from her image.

Satoru: Hey just checking up on you. You doing okay?

Shoko: You feeling alright this morning hun? Love you!

Shoko: Text me if you wanna hang later when Im off!

Missed call Satoru
Missed call Shoko
Missed call Shoko

Satoru: I know you're awake I see you active online. Answer meeeeee pweaseee

Y/n laughs and rolls her eyes

Y/n: Stalker..weirdooo

Incoming call Satoru

-"Ugh I cant do this right now what do you want?" Y/n groans bringing the phone up to her ear.

-"Rude. I was just checking up on you since it's your first time being alone..for his anniversary."

Dangerously Yours: Choso x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now