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In the previous chapter: "Listen, I know you don't remember a lot after the shock but I heard this guy over here talking about missing people!" Status continued but Love didn't say anything in regard

"Put 2 and 2 together Love; we've made thousands of robloxians disappear over the trials' lifespan, and he said he was looking for-"

"I get it!" shouted Love "You're thinking he's a spy"

"Yeah!", then all of a sudden the door opened, the girls turned expecting to see the trial master but instead, it was someone completely unexpected; orange curls flowing in the air as she walked in, and a big orange butterfly sticker on her cheek.



"Yes, it's me" said Fortune

"I- we'd never thought we'd see you here" explained Status

"I guess you're right. I came back from loads of exhausting work regarding phase 3"

"Phase 3 must be really big then, it's been like 6 months!" exclaimed Love

"It is!! 19 trials is a lot"

"How many of them have you completed so far?" Status asked her

"I can't say" replied Fortune

"Aw come on" chimed in Love

"I don't want to spoil anything; all you need to know is that it's going to be awesome!".


Back to the participants hold section, Lia was walking around and meeting everyone when he came across a guy sitting at a table, on that table there were various trinkets on display

"Hello" Lia said to the mysterious stranger

"Hey! You're new I'm guessing"

"Yup", he took a closer look at the items resting on the table, one of them caught his attention: a shiny golden key shaped like a star, what door may it open?

"Is this a shop of some sort?" he asked

"Yeah but it works by trading; I give you my goods if you give me your goods" the young man said

"What can I give you to have that key?"

"Well, I haven't been eaten for a while. Some juicy snack like a chocolate bar could do"

"Alright. What is your name? I'm Lia"

"Cyg, nice to meet ya", the two shook hands.

Lia kept on exploring the participant hold while the Brookhaven PD was watching footage from the mini camera. Nothing particular happens, the day went on as usual. And before anyone knew it, the sun was gone, and the lights want out.

The participants were deep asleep, well almost all of them; one of them was up. The faint sound of chalk scribbling over on the floor could be heard by those who were close, as well as heavy somewhat worried breaths. Even though the participant didn't have any light source she was still sure she drew the spawn point correctly as she had used the edge of the tiles as a guide. She dropped the piece of chalk and, putting her hands together, she began to chant some kind of lullaby very quietly. It resembled a cry of help.

By the time she had finished she stayed silent for a while and waited... waited for that magic energy, that summoning sound, that tall figure that even through a dark and freezing night would come out and hug her, that voice which he used to call her out -"Viva?"- ... she waited for him.

But so far, nothing. No energy, no sound, no figure and no voice.

"How come?" she thought

"I don't have a light, but he knows I'm in danger. I called for him, asked him for a way out of this situation and yet the ritual failed".

She tried again, this time a little louder, maybe he didn't hear her in his sleep but she was interrupted by the sound of a participant

"Hey" he whispered, not wanting to wake up the others

"Drak? Hello" Viva whispered back, facing the way of the purple collar

"Can't you see I'm in the middle of something"

"What is it exactly?" Drak asked

"A...ritual", the paused for a moment

"Like a summoning ritual?" "Yes, remember the call?"

"Yeah. You're trying to call him, aren't you?"

"That's right..." she said "...but I did it before and it failed".

Drak took a second to think and told Viva "Maybe he is sleeping and can't answer your call. Try tomorrow morning"

"But I can't do it in the morning, the staff will figure out and I'll be locked away"

"Do it while playing a phase" the boy suggested

"Maybe... I could try but I'll only have one shot then"

"You can try in phase 3 once it releases; since it's going to be an amusement park it means you could have to return to the same place at various points"

"And I could use the bodies as offering!" she added 

"Uh, yeah" "But can I ask you why are you awake at this hour?"

Drak answered "We haven't had food in a while, I'm afraid I'll do what I did in the past..."

there was silence in the air, for a while

"Don't worry Drak. I'm sure we'll get something soon" said Viva though she didn't sound so sure

"Hm, well, let's get to bed. We'll be needing energy for tomorrow".

And with that they both went to sleep, hoping that maybe phase 3 was close to releasing.

[Hello there. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter even though it was a bit shorter. I assure you that Fortune and the ritual Viva attempted will have more importance later in the story]

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