Chapter 14

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A few days passed and Becks was well enough to be sent home. I was so glad that she was healing properly.

"Ready to go home?" She asked me, sitting in the reception of the hospital.

"Not really, no," I said, sadness lacing my voice.

"I know, babe... I know." She rubbed my back as if she wasn't also leaving her newfound love.

In the past few days, she and Gray became even closer. They made promises to each other to visit each other when all this was over, but she was happy to go back to Poland. She did have a clinic to help, hopefully without being too late. I couldn't wait to see Benny and somehow, I had a feeling flying wouldn't do it for me anymore.

I nodded at her and took her hand. Gray and Abel joined us.

"We will all go to the hotel we've been staying at," Abel announced and we nodded at his words.

"Tomorrow you have a flight booked to Warsaw," Gray added and he softly took Becks' hand.

We exited the building to find Abel's bike and Gray's car. He still didn't want to risk Becks on a bike. She pouted slightly when she saw the car.

"Too soon, little bird." He apologized to her when he saw her saddened expression.

"Yeah..." she sighed and they got into the car.

Abel and I saddled his bike and made our way through the city toward the hotel. It wasn't far, so we were there in fifteen minutes.

We said hello to the receptionist and Abel took care of accommodation for Gray and Becks, making sure they had a room available when they got here, which was only a few minutes after us.

They both entered the hotel hand in hand, giggling to each other. Their relationship made me smile every time I saw them together. They were so sweet.

"You guys have room ten," Abel said and handed Gray the keys to the room. We all made our way inside the room area, Abel and Gray scanning their fingerprints to open the gate.

We each went to our rooms, Gray and Becks in theirs and Abel and I in ours. I closed the door behind us and sat down at the table.

"Anya..." Abel murmured and sat down next to me. "I will come find you when I solve this shit up, ok?" He said softly, leaning closer to me.

"Not that it'd be hard for you to find me," I said, remembering his stalker tendencies.

He half smiled at me getting up from the chair and kneeling between my legs. He cupped my thighs and looked up at me.

"Look at me." He said and I followed his instructions, looking down at him, my hands in my lap.

"I will come find you, darling. I promise you this. Not long from now. You will be mine in every way you can imagine." He swore and I smiled a little.

"Don't get killed, ok?" I pleaded.

"How could I when I have such a beautiful reason to live?" He took my hands in his and kissed my knuckles.

Tears started filling my eyes at his words and I started sniffling. When the hell did I become such an emotional mess anyway??

"Love..." He sighed at the sight of my tears and cupped my face, wiping them away. He sat up and kissed my lips softly and I kissed him back between sobs. My arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist, slipping from the chair onto his lap. Our kiss turned from soft to desperate. His fingers curled in my hair and my sobs turned into moans.

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