Asher: You know, Aaron? I've been thinking.

Aaron: (Unsurprised and Sarcastically) Oh, boy. As if I hadn't heard that a million times. The only question is "what with?".

Asher: (Taking offense) I'm talking about stepping up our thievin' game.

Aaron: (Sigh) Asher, every time that we've tried to step up our thievin' game, we get in trouble with Barnabas. Trust me, that's not something you wanna do more than once.

Asher: I swear we won't get in trouble with him, this time.

Aaron: Yeah, that's the same thing you said last time.

Asher: Look, I'm just bored of easy steals. We need a more hard case. Something more challenging. At least something more worthy of my talents. 

Aaron: It's easy because you're just that good at your job. It's better if we just stick to it instead of trying to risk life and limb for some "ancient artifact" or something. I mean what are you trying to prove?

Asher: I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm just saying that this pick-pocketing job is just beginning to run dry. 

Aaron: Look, I'm sorry if ya' feel that way, but that's no reason to stir up trouble. Especially after last time.

Asher: That was just a jewelry store. Any five year old can do that.

Aaron: No, you're thinking of toy stores. But trying to crack hard systems is not our thing.

Asher: I'm just trying to say-- Look, all it takes to crack a system is to hit the weak points. Crack puzzles, go through the mazes, outsmart the traps, I mean anything to try and get past a figurative fence and steal something or do something that's never been done before. 

Aaron: Asher, we're scavengers, not burglars. 

Asher: Okay, I've got plans for-- 

He was interrupted by his ears, nose, and mohawk twitching.

Asher: Oh, wait. Hold on. I've got something.

Aaron: Oh, great. I hope it's your next spot in line for a tetanus shot.

Asher looked behind him and saw Zeke with his cloak on and his guitar on his back. Then he got a devious look on his face.

Asher: Oh, I wonder how much we can get for that.

Meanwhile, Zeke came across a bar. He could hear the music and commotion coming from inside.

As soon as he opened the door, the music, laughter and commotion died. The fighters looked at him with a victim still in a chokehold. The gamblers still looked at him while still playing cards. As soon as the bartender saw him, he signaled to the band and they played a new song to get everyone's mind off the tense atmosphere.

Zeke still walked slowly into the bar with everyone's eyes still on him. He went up to the bartender and sat down.

Bartender: Ezekiel.

He greeted in an Irish accent.

Zeke: Amos.

He greeted back.

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