I smiled widely while looking at the moon that was shining brightly in the sky. As hope and more. The air is filled with happiness love and good times. I can feel it . I have always loved this month. When Allah says Go my beloved people I am closing the hell for you and I'm forgiving you all. You all good deeds in this month will be multipled and there will be just happiness.

The family was gathering looking at the moon. Rohan was standing beside me. " Are you going to make a dua " I asked him who was looking towards me continuously, I know he don't believe in religions but still I asked.

" No I will just watch you " He said I smiled and turn around to ask for something. People say if you don't ask how will you get it so now today I'm going to ask.

Yah Allah you are the greatest of all and the one who can do anything. Make the impossible possible. Thanks for this month. I want to ask for this man standing beside me. Yaa Allah please I am loving him but not more than you . Please make him your favorite person , please guide him on your path. I ask for him and I ask for his right path.

Please Yaa Allah and I ask for my right path. Please guide me the way far from sin Ameen.

I opened my eyes and my eyes went towards him. He was still looking at me deeply and lovely. I smiled and stare at him back . His eyes are beautiful, they were always beautiful. So beautiful that I can stare in them all day.

I was pulled out from my Dreamland when someone cough. It was Rohan. " I know I'm handsome but please people are watching "

I quickly turn around. There Ahad and Ayesha were smiling while looking at each other. They both are the lucky ones at least they have no difference while we are full of difference, it's weird that our heart decided to pull us towards each other.

After the chand session we all went to sleep. Because after this we need to wake up for Sehri . I kept on looking outside the window. I don't know what is it but there's something in my heart that's not letting me enjoy this all completely.

" Can I come inside " I turn around there Ayesha was standing outside the door with a smile I turn around with a smile and nodded.

" Of course come in please " I said and my eyes spark more when I saw who is behind her. Kinza. She is Ayesha's best friend and now mine too. She is really an amazing girl and she radiates that powerful aura but there's the problem she hides things. I can see in her eyes she is not what she shows but still she is lovely .

" Oh my Kinza!! " I hug her quickly as she smiles and hug me back. " I'm feeling like I really am loved a lot . Look at your being all happy " Kinza said I made both of them sat on the bed. She is still wearing her hijab and she is wearing a baggy shirt and pants.

" What's with the looking outside the window. Lovers do these things " Kinza asked I stare at her for a bit. " Got it you are in love " She said as if she can read me like an open book. Ayesha came closer. " I knew it and I guess I know who the person is " She said I stare at both of them trying to say something.

" Is it Rohan " My eyes widened and I guess red colour creep on my cheeks because they both smiled on their victory. " OH MY ALLAH I KNEW IT I KNEW IT " Ayesha said smiling but kinza was sitting on the bed thinking something. " What's wrong Kinza " I asked she paused before saying.

" But he is Hindu right? I mean I'm not saying you can't love people but you know--- Muslims can't marry- " Before she could complete her sentence I cut her off.

" I know and this is what's making it hard and twisted " I stand up and walk around the room. As they both watch me.

" Haya you know what's written in Quran, Allah will send non believers in hell. And you being with him will add more to his sins as well as yours " Ayesha said thoughtfully.

" Unless Allah make him walk on the right path " Kinza said.

" So what should i do leave him, but I love him and he loves me a lot I can see it in his eyes. You want me to ignore this " I asked in a soft voice.

" No don't ignore it but give him time let Allah guide him " Ayesha said with a small smile.

" So you mean I should end this and give him and Allah some alone time " I ask

" Yes, and if he is the right person for you trust me Haya he will come back to you. Even it it takes him years. " Ayesha said, yes she can believe because Ahad came for her or they both came for each other after years of separation.

" Take the right step sis. Even if it hurts a bit "

Kinza said with a warm smile.

I nodded looking towards the window. I will do it. Maybe it did wrong that time when I give him hope because now I will break his hope and him.

But breaking him for once is better than breaking him forever. It's better than pushing him in hell.

Please Allah I am giving him this pain but I want you to heal it and send him back to me. I will wait.

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