Speaking of his abnormal strength state, he barely had to do anything to get it to 3, in fact he didn't do anything aside from his usual water bending practice that he does in secret, the system was indeed broken and he was seeing examples of it everyday.

'Sigh, it doesn't matter what highs I might reach in the future, for now I still have to endure this.' He thought as his mother squeezed his cheeks and ruffled his hair before giving up on struggling, surrendering himself entirely and just waiting for it to end as soon as possible. 

Thankfully she needed to get back to preparing breakfast soon, so after a while, even if reluctantly, she let go of him and told him to go wash up and get ready. 

As he was going to wash up he couldn't help but reflect, he looked annoyed and to some degree he was, but he Couldn't help but enjoy it deep down. He was an orphan in his previous life and had never experienced motherly love like this before, so receiving it now was nice, no matter how late it was. 

But, he was still a 30 year old man mentally and was technically older than His mother so it still felt a little awkward and uncomfortable to be treated like that. Those two different and opposite feelings conflicted with each other and made him at a loss on how to deal with it. 

'Admit it Levi, you like it.' He thought, sighing before shaking his head and picking an empty bucket  filling it with warm water that his mom had heated before going to wash. 

Before long he was done, coming back to the kitchen he saw his father sitting there and chatting with his mom who was putting food on the table.

"...I might be a little late during this hunt but I am sure we'll come back with a good harvest this time , so you…." said Hakoda to Kya but he suddenly stopped in the middle of his speech as he saw his son approaching. 

"Hahaha why am I not surprised, my little warrior is already awake before me, what are you up to at this time in the morning huh?." asked his father with a hearty laugh.

He was also a very handsome guy with the same features as Levi, brown hair, blue eyes and a handsome face, same for his mother she also had the same features, 'They're not related are they?.' He couldn't help but think as he shuddered at that sudden thought. He could at least see where His good looks come from. 

"Morning dad, it's nothing actually. I told you before that I love to take morning walks, didn't I?." He said lying through his teeth with a straight face as he sat on the table facing his father, he was really surprised that he hadn't unlocked a skill for lying by now.

"Haha, taking morning walks? careful now you're starting to act like an old man." said Hakoda with a teasing tone. 

"Sigh, I'm really an old man dad." He said, sighing and telling the truth, but He knew that as always no one would believe him.

"HAHAHAHA, I'll never get bored of that, of course you are hahaha." said Hakoda as he burst out laughing, with Kya smiling on the side.

He was always like this ever since Levi knew him, always cheerful and laughing, he almost never saw him serious or mad. He didn't know if he was like this in the show too but that's how he is now. 

"Stop teasing him honey." said his mother defending him, but he knew she didn't really mean it or else why would she also tease him when she got the chance, "Plus he really is mature for His age." nonetheless Levi still nodded at her words, it felt good to have someone agree with you.

"That I cannot deny, which is why I am telling you this and not your siblings so listen very well." said Hakoda, his tone suddenly turning very serious although he still had a slight smile on his face, nonetheless Levi perked up and paid attention. This seemed like something he should know. 

"I am going on a hunting trip today with some of the warriors and benders. We may be gone for a few days so I need you to take care of your mother and younger sibling, can you do that for me?.'' asked Hakoda seriously.

Hearing that Levi nodded seriously as well,"Leave it to me dad, I'll die before letting anything happen to them." he replied, even though he knew that his dad didn't really expect much from him.

Hearing him both his parents couldn't help but have their hearts melt as they looked at his serious small face, both thinking that he didn't know what he was saying, after all how could a kid his age even comprehend death? But they appreciated his intentions nonetheless.

Only he knew how serious he was, He had already experienced death once and it wasn't much. So unlike most people who could only say it but cower when they are faced with it, he meant it, he isn't afraid of death, especially if it was dying to protect someone he loves. Was there a better ending than that?

‘In the end words mean very little, only when we're faced with a difficult choice will our true essence shine through.’ thought Levi.

"G…good morning." said a cute little girl's voice from behind me, stuttering before forming a full sentence snapping him out of his thoughts.

Turning around he could see Katara with a sleepy look on her face rubbing her eyes, barely awake.

Although he wasn't a child and this wasn't his real world he still treated these people as his real family and he especially doted on His younger siblings, he would do everything to protect them and make sure they have a nice life.


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