001. eat your feelings

Start from the beginning

"this is the last line to the first book we are going to read. it is also the last text you will receive in this class. phone off, everyone."

with a groan, everyone reached to turn their phones off, bringing a smile to the young teacher's face. delilah's eyes focused on stiles beside her, who was seemingly infatuated with the bandaid plastered across lydia's ankle. "did you get that in the accident, lyds?" delilah whispered quietly to the strawberry blonde. the girl gave her a small smile, shaking her head.

"prada bit me." the girl said with a frown. "your dog?" lydia rolled her eyes at the raven haired boy beside her. "no, my designer handbag. yes, my dog." delilah could practically hear the cogs turning in stiles' mind, eyes trained on the strawberry blonde's sad frown. "what if it's the same thing as the deer? like when animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?"

"meaning what? there's going to be an earthquake?" the girl bit back, looking at the boy in contempt. "oh my god, it'll be like that movie! uh... the tom holland one! the impossible!"

"that was a tsunami, lilah." lydia said with a gentle smile. "huh? oh yeah." the brunette chuckled to herself, and the sound of it brought a smile to lydia's lips. "or something else will happen." as if on cue, the sound of a black bird hitting the window made everyone in the class jump, a small splatter of blood washing down the window outside.

and then another. and another. the teacher stood at the window, watching as at least a hundred birds came hurtling straight towards the windows of the classroom. "get down!" delilah let out a yelp, pushing herself underneath the table. stiles scrambled towards the girl, his arms tucking her head into his chest, a firm protective layer over the girl. "allison? lydia!" the brunette shouted for her friends, who were tucked safely together underneath a table, holding on for dear life.

"they're okay, dee. shhh, calm down. it's okay, it's gonna stop soon. just stay still, alright?" all delilah could bring herself to do was nod into the raven haired boy's chest, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, holding her body to his.

eventually, the attack of the birds had stopped, and a mound of feathers and blood were left strewn across the classroom. sheriff stilinski had shown up, and had a hand clasped over stiles' shoulder as he examined the boy. delilah sat on a table alone, legs kicking out in front of her. while stiles was speaking to miss blake, the sheriff approached delilah with steady hands, looking her over with a quiet stare.

"delilah, you okay, sweetheart?" the sound of the voice made the girl flinch, and she looked up with a small smile when she realised who it was. "i'm all good, sheriff." the older man looked at the girl as though she was his own, rubbing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "you want a reese's cup?" her ears perked at this, nodding happily at the leader in front of her. he pulled one from his pocket, passing it to the suddenly perky girl, a smile across his lips.

"hey, sheriff? can you do me a favour?" she asked quietly. "sure, honey." she swallowed part of the reese's before speaking again. "can you call my dad?" he nodded solemnly, pulling his phone from his pocket to call the girl's father.

"dee? you okay?" her eyes lifted from her stained converse, looking up at the raven haired boy in front of her. "your dad gave me a reese's." she showed the half eaten chocolate to him, eliciting a smile from him. "eating your feelings, huh?" she nodded happily. "you should try it sometime. whenever i was sad, my dad used to buy me a gallon of rocky road and we'd have two spoons and watch reality tv together. i remember this one time—"

the girl was cut off by stiles' phone going off, scott's name flashing up on the screen with a picture of the two of them grinning in their lacrosse uniforms. "derek's house? what are you doing at derek's house?" stiles hung up the phone, as delilah was once again approached by his father. "your dad's on duty, sweetheart, i completely forgot." she nodded with a small smile on his face. "do you know what time he gets off?"

"uhhh... he just started so he won't be done until late." delilah looked to her side, eyes meeting stiles' who glanced back up at his dad. "come on, i'll take you to mcdonald's. you can text your dad and tell him i'll take you home later, okay?" the sheriff gave his son a slow nod, as the raven haired boy held his hand out for the girl to take. she took it happily, holding it tightly as he guided her out of the classroom and towards his jeep in the parking lot.

as the two teenagers climbed into the baby blue jeep, delilah let out a soft sigh. "you're not taking me to mcdonald's are you?" the boy shook his head, and a pout quickly spread across her lips. she crossed her arms over her chest, eyes darting towards the bushes outside the window. "i'll take you later, but scott needs us to meet him at derek's house."

"fine. but you owe me chicken nuggets."

"i always buy your food, dee."

"true. this is why you're my favourite. don't tell scott."


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