Chapter 16

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Taehyung cursed while tried to calm his inner demon.His veins were popping out his harsh neck when his eyes darkened.

Everyone who was present turned their head towards his embrace, feeling the dangerous aura which was coming from him.

His scary view tremble all demon's souls. They shifted their gaze to avoid the deep glance their lord gave them.

Now is very clear that from the fire coming from his burning eyes somebody else is going to die.

Jungkook turned his head like others trying to figure out the reason of everybody's fear.

"What happened my Lord?"he demand but his expressions remain cold and emotionless.

Taehyung shifted his dark gaze making him shiver. His eyes took a deep color.He glanced at Jungkook for some seconds and than marshed towards the giand door without speaking a word.

The blood of the killed demon was splatterd in his whole naked,upper body and the more other demons stare at him the more goosebumps they got.

Taehyung get out of the giand door still in his demon form. He walk for some times and than stop in his place.

He closed his eyes while cracking his harsh neck.Veins were popping out his bloody skin. He open his eyes, without sparing a small glance he turned his head to Jungkook.

"Kill everybody." He order while is voice sound dark and creepy like his outside look when he turned his fierce gaze to the guards who were in charge for opening the door.

"Including them too"

"As you wish my Lord" Jungkook got goosebumps from Taehyung creepy self.He low his head for respect and walked towards the door with his great sword on his hand.

Within two seconds screams filled the whole place making the monsters of the deepest hole of hell satisfied.

Taehyung poked his inner cheek while looking his hand filled with blood.

Screams of the choked and killed demons filled the whole hell with a blod darkness while their bodies accompanied with souls are going to burn on its flames for eternity.

He lifted his hand for a good view.A dark smirk plastered on his whole face while staring at the blood.

His black wings were standing magnificent while blood was dripping everywhere in his bare body.

Their journey began from his messy dark hair to his cheeks and than continue dripping to his muscular, veiny arms and his well built chest.

"Make ready my bath"Taehyung ordered the demons who immediately bow and lowered their gaze to speak.

"Wait"He said and raise his bloody hand in air making their words to stuck in their dry throat.

He raised his brows.His gaze was pierced deep in a place which he continued to stare for some good times without taking off his dark eyes.

"Don't follow"Was the only thing he order before leaving from the haunted bloody hall.

Taehyung took a different direction. He began to walk slowly towards the big and dark hallway.

His look was the same with the look of a scary monster in searching for its prey but the difference was that he wasn't only a normal monster,he was a monster called The Devil.

He come closer and more closer.His footsteps echoed in the hallway making the whole hell shiver.

He come closer to the place that he pierced his gaze for a long time.Near a giant statue.His hands were folds at his waist and his face stand there just staring blank without any expression yet with a dark aura which tremble the whole realm.

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