Ch 5. New Friends, Old Enemies

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"How dare they say that you are tainting the reputation of the Kuruvansh?! Like they have been doing any better....", Bheem seethed with anger as he sat on the bed with a huff.

"What is the point in  wasting your energy thinking about what has already happened, Bheem? Not to mention, comparing never did any good to anyone.", Yudhisthir commented, calmness visible in his stance.

"But they made Bhrata Arjun wash Angraj Karn's feet, Jyesth! And there is no doubt that they were behind the poisoning of Bhrata Bheem.", even quiet Sahadev was indignant. 

"Whatever the provocation may be, Arjun, you shouldn't have raised your weapons. Moreover, the punishment was given by Kakashree Vidur, so it was fair enough."

The disappointment in his elder brother's voice seemed to have hurt Arjun more than the punishment had hit his ego as he kept his head hung. Tears of anger formed at the corner of his eyes but he was to proud to let them fall. 

"But did you see how Rajkumari Medhasvini stood up for us? She was so cool to answer Mamashree Shakuni like tha- what's with the long face Jyesth?", Nakul tried to lighten the mood.

"It was disrespectful of her to talk back at Mamashree. She also should not have walked out of there like that. Also, she seems to hate me for some reason.", Yudhisthir sounded genuinely concerned.

"I do not hate you Rajkumar Yudhisthir"

They whipped around to see Medha looking straight at them with an expressionless face.

"Raj-Rajkumari y-you here?", the four of them stammered, Dharmraj being too stunned to speak.

She kept looking at them, trying to contain her laughter, wanting to scare them for some time more.

"I brought her here.", Rajmata Kunti revealed herself as she looked at her sons with an 'I am so done' look.

"My apologies, Rajku-"

"You must not apologise, Dharmraj. Our perspectives are just different. While you think it was disrespect, I think that adults too can make mistakes and when they do it becomes our duty to correct them. And about me walking away....I did it for the same reason you gave up in the Kalapradarshan. I did not want to act on my anger and regret my decisions later.", Kridha explained with utmost politeness.

The Pandavas looked at each other, impressed. 

"Also, thank you, Rajkumar Nakul.", she acknowledged his compliment.

Nakul's eyes widened as he immediately replied with,

"You are so much older than me, Rajkumari! You do not not have to address me so formally."

She chuckled a little,

"Only in one condition. If you too do not address me as 'Rajkumari'."

"Then what should we call you?", the four Pandavas younger than her asked in unison.

Putting her fingers on her chin, she thought, her lips forming a cute pout.

Her antics looked funny as Yudhisthir involuntarily let out a small laugh. Not thinking it would be that audible, he went red with embarrassment instantly. This led to a chain reaction with Medha too turning into a tomato and others exchanging looks.

" all are like my younger brothers, you too can call me Jiji.", she told, wanting divert the topic.

She turned towards Yudhisthir and smiled at him,

"And considering how scared you now are of me, you can call me Bhairavi, it is one of my many names. I hope one day we can be friends."

He looked positively alarmed, not understanding the the joke behind her reason.

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