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In 3...2...1. Yes! We made it.

"Micheal how did he found me. We move every time I think he was close by or even if I think he new where I was or if I was being watched."

No answer.

"Micheal"!! I yelled.

No answer.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I shook him.

"W-where's Rosie?" He asked.

"I thought she was with you. Why?" He turned to me with to many expressions on his face. "She was with me when we was looking for you." Suddenly my phone went off.

Sent: 9:55am
From: No Name
You thought you got away from me violet. Well think again, I have your friend with me. It can be really sad if I sent a picture of her beating up and dead, violet. You wouldn't want that, now would you.

"Damn it!"

"Ok, so Jackson and his boys have Rosie, okay... okay no worries we can still get her.


I don't know we need a plan to get her back. Even if it's one of the most crazy plan ever.


It been 3 days since I found out that Rosie has been captured. Right now I'm am pacing back and forth trying to figure out if to call for back up or not. Backup was the only way out from Jackson. " Pick up !" I yelled. This had been my fifth time calling him and he wouldn't pick up. What up with him, it like every time something goes wrong with Rosie he out of it. I think he likes her. "Does Micheal likes Rosie?" I asked myself. "No he gay... right?"


{ Micheal }

It been exactly 2 hours......Or more I don't actually know. Every since my 5th drink I seem to lost time. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I check to see it was Violet but I ignore it and ask for another whiskey.

" Are you sure man?"He asked

"Yes I'm sure why the fuck you ask?"

" Uh... I don't know maybe it because this is your 15th one."

"Nope I remember this is my 5th one."

"Nope I watch you the whole time, after your fifth one you went up to dance then came back for more."

At first I just look at him. How do he remember all of that. Oh I know he not drunk. I look up and glared at him.

" Just get another drink." I replied. He nod quickly and when to make the drink. After he finish I went to grab the drink but my phone went off again. Without looking at the name I answer it.

" Look can you stop calling me I'm okay!" I yelled into the phone. There was few minutes past before they answered back.

" Don't you use that tone with me young boy I'm am your mother and I won't waste a second to back slap your ass to next week to teach you some manners!" She yelled.

"No no mom I'm sorry-"

"No you can go raising your voice at me, I raise you better then that."

"I know mom and I'm sorry, it won't ever happen again."

"Okay, so how you been honey bun?"

" I been find mom and this isn't the best time right now I call you back."




"Bye mom."

"Okay love you." she said quickly before I hung up. I pick up my whiskey " love you too", then I down the drink in one gulp. I asked for another one but somebody had pull me out of my seat. I turned around to see that it was violets was about to say hey before she beat me to it. "Where had you been?" I call you like a thousand times and you didn't pick up. Are you like ignoring me, you can't not do that, I need your help here. I'm not the one who knows where she was standing the last time we saw her." she yelled. Then broke down and started to cry. I instantly embrace here. " It's okay we are going to get here back no matter what. I know you her you just have to wait for a while." " Do you still have your friends." I asked. She only nod but didn't look up. "Well come on let go find them."



A day had past since I found Michael drunk in the club. Now we are in the forest, walking over thorn, fallen branches and bugs. I hate bugs, the way that it have more then four legs and crawls it just creeps me out. The reason why we walking through the forest because it the only place to let my magic out to communicate to my people. You know it's them because of their eyes. They are fire red, baby blue, piercing emerald, and crazy grey. But the thing I don't under stand is that my eye are plain Violet, just like my name. After hours walking through the forest we finally stop at a clear opening with flower all around it. " You might want to step back." I said so he won't get hurt when I let my magic go. It already happen once and he was knocked out for days so I'm not letting it happen again. He only nod then turn around to go behind a tree. I only said step back but where he is more better than I prefer. I stretch my arms out in front of me and focus more on my magic coming out. I knew that it was working because I felt sparks all over my body and it was growing powerful and powerful every second. This is how I communicate with my people, if they sense magic or something powerful they go to it instantly. After a few minutes all the energy and the sparks started to died down until there was nothing. I put my hands down then turn around to see Micheal standing behind me with wide eyes. "Now we wait." I said as I went to sit on a trunk. Micheal just close his mouth then walk over to where I was and sat besides me. " what are we waiting for."

" Them." I said as four people show up in front us. "Oh", was his only replied as I stand up and walk over to them. "What you need?" A boy with baby blue eyes asked. "Why do you think I need you, I might of call you here to invite you to dinner." I lied

"Really!" The same boy asked but this time he had piercing emerald eyes. I gave him the confusion look then replied with a simple 'No.' He gave me a sad look but I just brush it off. "Look I need your help I just lost a friend to somebody and-"

"Well if you lost them there no need bringing them back they are gone, dead." Said the boy with baby blue eyes.

" Water-"

"That not my name" he mumbled

I wanted to punch him in the face so bad but I ended up giving him the look instead. " I need y'all help to get her back and no she not dead she been kidnapped by somebody.

"Why do we need to help you, that your problem that she been kidnapped so it your job to go help her." Said the girl with fire red eyes, which look very pretty on her by the way. " Look fire we are a group, even if we don't know each other well we all have something powerful in us that connect us, plus we are suppose to help each other out when one of us called. All their faces was blank until it started to turn into regret. "See y'all know I'm right so who in. They all put there hands over my hand then I heard different yeahs.

"Good, I'm non thing without y'all." I whisper to myself.


I'm so sorry for the long update things just been coming, but I will try to keep updating while I can.

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