Chapter Four

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The next morning, as the whisps of morning light seeped through the trees, painting the ground in golden hues, the orcish procession emerged from the depths of the Lymsia Woods, riding closer to the elevated Enclave of Ildale. The towering trees rustled in the wind as the orc chief, Xagok, led the way on top of his enormous dark brown horse.

His muscular frame bore the scars of countless battles. A fur cape draped over his shoulders, one of many symbols of his status as chief. Xagok's dark brown trousers clung to sinewy legs that gripped the sides of the massive horse. His bare chest, marked by ritualistic orcish tattoos, glistened with sweat under the sunlight.

The orcish chieftain's face bore the weight of years spent leading his people. A single braid rested on his back, and the sides of his hair were shaved. His dark brown eyes were sharp and keen.

Beside him rode Borzul, his wife, her gaze sharp and observant. Behind them, a few guards flanked the orcish siblings, Sakgu and Ghaksha, each dressed in their formal wear, which consisted of fur capes, clean brown trousers, and black leather boots. Sakgu was bare-chested, and Ghaksha was wearing a simple cloth covering her breasts. The air was tinged with a blend of anticipation and curiosity as the group approached the elven enclave.

Rogan riding behind his siblings, closer to their mother, cast a discerning eye over the elven architecture that unfolded before him. The platforms of the enclave were barely visible if one was not looking closely.

From below, Ildale appeared as a mesmerizing city suspended among the trees, connected by gracefully arching bridges and platforms that intertwined with the branches. The enchanted orbs, aglow with soft radiance, bathed the enclave in a magical light, adding an ethereal quality to the intricate woodwork that adorned each dwelling.

Rogan's eyes, accustomed to the rugged landscapes of orcish territories, widened at the delicate beauty that surrounded him. The elven symbols etched into the woodwork caught his gaze, each telling a story of a culture so distinct from his own. The lift, a marvel of elven engineering, hummed softly as it descended to greet the approaching orc procession, captivating Rogan with its seamless blend of magic and nature.

As they rode closer, the elven guards patrolling the platforms came into clearer view. Clad in armor that melded seamlessly with the natural hues of the forest, they moved with a grace that seemed to defy the laws of gravity. Rogan noted the elven archers, their bows at the ready, a testament to the vigilance that defined the elven guardians of Ildale.

The sheer height of the dwellings and the intricate nature of the enclave left Rogan marveling at the elven craftsmanship.

He had not known what the elven enclave looked like. He had battled the elves many times, but it was always forbidden for him to go beyond the border. His siblings had been this far many times, thus their lack of awe. His brother Sakgu had no regard for rules, and his sister Ghaksha always tried to get him to follow the rules, which always got her in trouble with him.

Rogan had never been one to break the rules. Out of all his siblings, he had been the closest to their mother, who hated rule-breakers. Because of that, he had always taken after their mother more.

They finally arrived at the base tree of the enclave, where the lift was supposedly lying in wait. "Step forward." One of the elven guards called from above. Xagok grumbled, but led their party forwards, close to the tree. "Now what? Want us to climb the fucking tree?!" He yelled sarcastically. The elven guard didn't respond, which Rogan had expected.

Before Xagok could yell another taunt, the tree in front of them began to rumble. The front of the tree began to lift, revealing an inner cavern with a platform big enough for all of them and their horses. Rogan stared in awe as they rode inside the tree. He gazed at the gears that began to turn, lowering the door behind them. Glowing orbs of enchanted light appeared around them, casting a warm glow around them.

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