"It's okay.". He cut her off before she could finish. "Matt and I were never really close. I've known him since before the program. It's been a feud on and off the ice."

She wanted to know more. She didn't ask, Stella nodded and took a bite of my slice. She didn't pry.

"He's always been the type to chase after every girl I even spoke to. I don't know if it's a jealousy thing or what. And then, he got all butt hurt when he didn't get captain." He paused. "Look, we've never gotten along."

"Oh." Was all she could say.

"I can't tell you who to be friends with." Jack shrugged. "It just pisses me off because I know what he's doing. He's done it before."

Stella reached for his hand, covering it with her own. His annoyance seemed to die down at the contact. "Don't worry, Hughes, he won't steal me from you."

He cracked a smile. She wanted to see him smile
forever, not even wanting to blink. "Good. What happened at the party?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"Why'd you let him pour alcohol down your throat." He chuckled, taking the last few bites of his pizza.

"I don't know." She half-lied. "I just saw you disappear and I didn't really want to think. Plus, he was talking about you and I couldn't take it anymore."

Jack hummed. "Did I ever tell you how good
jealousy looks on you?"

She blushed, rolling her eyes. "I would say you're more jealous than I am, Rowdy."

"Yeah, yeah." He mocked. "What'd he tell you? Oh, let me guess, that I'm a heartbreaker?"

"Actually, yeah." She chuckled. She assumed this wasn't the first time Boldy had spoken about him in this way. "You're spot on."

Jack clicked his tongue, rolling his lips into his mouth. "I'm just telepathic." He paused, a flash of worry in his eyes. "In all seriousness, SJ, It's just you."

She felt her mouth go dry. Stella shifted, blinking as she realized her heart had still been pounding. She grinned from ear to ear. "Good."

They finished up their pizza and made conversation before heading back to his SUV outside, the hand-me down from his mom and his older, Quinn, was in surprisingly fair shape.

The drive back to her house consisted of music, his arm brushing hers, and the window cracked open. It was the start of fall, the breeze at a steady temperature, not to cold nor to hot.

She could feel his eyes burning into her side profile as she stared out to the window. She turned her head, facing him as she watched the corners of his lips quirk.

The light flashing a sudden red across their faces made his foot press hard on the brake, both of them shaken up as he nearly passed the white line.

He panted, holding the wheel tight as he stared at the incoming traffic. "I'm so sorry."

She chuckled, both flustered and relieved. She was flustered because he was staring at me. She had distracted him to the point where he nearly missed the traffic light. "It's okay. Maybe next time I'll sit in the trunk."

"You're quite the distraction, Stella." He slowly accelerated, pulling down the street.

Stella felt a sudden disappointment creep among herself as she stared at her porch. Being with Jack was a reliever for the girl, the way that figure skating had become her outlet, he had become her figure skating.

"I should probably go." She sighed, glancing at him.

"Yeah." Jack nodded, biting his bottom lip. "Can I kiss you before you go?"

And there was that feeling of her feet being swept out. Even as she was sitting, she felt her hands shake in her lap. She hated that he had this hold on her but frankly, she never wanted it to stop.

She nodded feverishly. He unbuckled his seatbelt quickly as she did the same. The second his lips met hers, she could feel the tingling sensation down her spine.

Stella slid her fingers into his hair, feeling the softness of his light brown strands as it glided through her hold. He held her back as the other hand held her jaw.

Kissing Jack was her favorite thing. She would even consider it a hobby, if possible.

They both pulled away, panting as they attempted to catch their breaths.

"You're coming to the home opener, right?" He asked suddenly.

"Yes." She nodded, feeling his thumb rub over her cheekbone. "Is there a reason why you're asking?"

"Yes." Jack chuckled, pulling back. "Will you wear my jersey? I have a spare."

Stella had to hold herself back from nodding desperately. She simply shrugged with pursued lips. "Sure, Rowdy. I'd be pleased. Do you think Boldy has a spare, too?"

"Ha. Ha." Jack fake-laughed, his light eyes narrowing. "You must've been a stand up comedian in your past life."

yaaa so basically

ENCHANTED -'๑'- JACK HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now