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"Oh! Your the Ham girl?"
Hamantha turned her head in embarrassment, covering her meat face.

"No wait! Sorry! I didn't mean to sound rude or anything!"

"I'm used to it, no need to worry, I get worst comments honestly."


"So, Hamantha, tell me about yourself. And don't worry, I won't judge you or make fun of you an any ways, you are safe with me."

Hamantha hesitated at first, but after hearing his statement, she felt a little bit of confidence.

"Well, I was born on May 8th 1988, i'm 15 years old I live at a small house with my father and... my mother. My hobbies are walking or running through the grass, reading books or simply take naps throughout the day."

"Nice, well, I outta present myself."  He spoke, as he sit up straight in the wood seat and moved just right to completly look at her round eye.

"My full name is Sam Lee Loop. I was born on February 6th, I am 15 years old. I have an older brother, his name is Max, he's 16 years old. I live home with my mom, brother and my sister. My dad got sent to the army when I was about 7 years old, and I haven't seen him much since then, just every now and then. My hobbies are listen to music, take naps, going out to the park, and ride my bike. I'm pretty much of a loner if I do say so myself, not unlike my ~wonderful~ big brother."

"Hey, I think I know your broth-"


Hamantha and Max turned around to see the commotion behind them as it had also startled both.


"OMG, both of you idiots shut up, your not the only one's here, go get a fucking room or something."

"You shut the hell up 'Luna-tic'!"

"HEY! Only I get to call my BFF like that! Who do you think you are you jackass!?"

"Oh i'm sorry 'princess', you can happily go and kiss your girlfriend in the halls or in the streets, where you belong!"

"Okay that is about FUCKING IT!"

A blonde haired girl with baggy jeans got up and so did a brunette boy, and they seemed as if they were about to fight, until a teacher that was just passing by to send students away to their homes, entered it, hearing all the shouting all the way from the principal's office.


The room fell silent.

"Seriously, you KIDS cannot be in peace for half an hour without somebody's eye on you or else you will all commit literal ilegal crimes!"


"Now, Marina and Pearl, your detention hour has ended. Follow me."

Both girls grabbed her backpacks and left, not before sticking their tongue and middle fingers out the brunette boy, making him curse under his breath.

The room fell silent once again.

"Mhm mhm."  Hamantha cleared her throat, silently, as yo not overcome the tension in the room.

"As I was saying."  Sam turned to look directly at her.

"I think that I know your brother, Max, was it?"

"Oh, yeah, and, I guess it was obvious that you'd know him, he's kind of popular over this side of the school years."

"Right, sorry."

"Hey, it's not a problem at all, but I guess you have heard of him through girls crushes."

"Actually, he talked to me as I got to Mrs. Grace's class, after lunch time to be specific."

Hamantha gave Sam a confused look.

"Oh-! I mean! Not that I never expected it but, normally people talk to him for being popular. And by what you're telling me, looks like you didn't know of his existince until a couple hours ago."

"Oh, yeah. Well, not as if I ever expected a kid to talk to me out of the blue, let alone a "popular" one. I have a lot to learn in this place, and get used to."
Hamantha let out a slight sigh, with no emotion.

"Well, me and my brother can help you with that, he's been here since last year and he has told me everything about everyone and everything."

"Thanks Sam, I really appreciate it."

"No problem!"

Hamantha and Sam talked all the time while they were in that room.

"Hamantha, you're father's here." The spanish teacher gave her a signal to get up and pack her things.
As Hamantha packed her stuff, Sam grabbed her arm slightly gripping on it.

"Hey, maybe we can talk tomorrow?"

"That would be very nice."

"Great, see you tomorrow then, Hamantha!"

"See you tomorrow, Sam."
Hamantha walked down the corridors and thought about her talk with Sam.
As she was still thoughtful, she lifted her head and saw her father in the school doors.

"Hello Hamantha. How was your day?" Her father asked, as he walked by her side to their truck.

"It was calm."  Amelia spoked with relief in her voice.

"And I think that I have friends..."
She never thought that those words would come out all together in her fifteen years of living.

"I am glad to hear that dear. Let's get home now."


Hey ☺️

Sorry for disappearing again😘  It's just that I haven't really got any ideas beside from school life for this book. 😭✋🏽

And tbh I procrastinate a lot. 😞 That's why eps. Get under or even Js 1000 words.

Buuuuuuut I'm gonna try and inspire and motivate myself.

(I Js got and idea to make the perfect middle/highschool drama in this book 👹)

Well that's everything. And srry again for this.
You can also give me suggestions for this book if you're interested 😘👊🏽.

Goodbye now💗🩷

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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