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My second day in High School.

As I expected.

Chattering begins every time I enter a classroom.




I just wanted to focus un my grades, so that one day, I'll finally be able to follow my dream.

My big dream.

Being a star.

"Hey freak!, watch out!"

Lost in her thoughts, Hamantha didn't even have the time to notice the piece of bread flying right to her face.


Hamantha turned around in confusing. It hurt to know that this was one of the only ways that her classmates and school companions refered to her.

As she turned around, a piece of bread landed into her face. Blocking her vision.
Laughter erupted in the giant lunch cafeteria.

She felt so embarrassed! She couldn't resist the urge to cry and run up to the hall, exit the grand cafeteria, across the classrooms, arriving at the restroom, finally entering a stall.

"Why are they *hic* like this *hic* to me!? *hic*"

"Why am *hic* I an ugly *hic* MONSTER!?  *sobs, sniffles and cry's*"

Hamantha was sobbing uncontrollably.
She could not stand the bullying anymore.
She was just two day's in, but still, it felt like an eternity, in her head, seconds were minutes, minutes were hours, hours were days, and so on.

After a painful hour of bawling her eye out, lunch time was finally over.
Hamantha was starving.
She spent all lunch time crying in the restrooms. She could bearly think straight from the hunger over filling her mind.

Unfortunately, she had to wait a lot of more painful hours to be able to go home, and eat something healthy so that she doesn't starve to death, again.

As she was making her way to her next period, she could feel glances, laughs, giggles and people criticize her, from head to toes.

She tried not to stumble during her journey to the second floor to go to her physics class.

Her hair was a bit messy, yet, not losing her flowingness.

Her eye was stinging her.

She felt it a bit puffy since she got out of the restroom stall, she walked anxiously with her head watching the patterned floor, only raising it up every now and then to look out for her assigned classroom.

As she was staring at her flowy dress move through her feet, she was unaware of the group in front of her path.

As she just lifted her head to watch if her classroom was the one ahead of her, she bumped into someone's back, unconsciously dropping her books and notebooks to the ground, ahead with some pen's and a pencil.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me for not paying attention ahead of me!"

Hamantha began to grab and pick up her things, until a pair of hands grabbed hers and helped her to stand up.

"No problem. Hey, you're that meat face girl, right? Hamantha was it?"

"U-uh.. uhmm..."

Hamantha stumbled and was stuttering through her words, who were these people?

Were they going to spit on her?

Were they going to laugh at her??

Would they hurt her!?

"Y-yes! That's me! Sorry for bothering you... I-I have to go to class, goodbye..."

As she started to go inside the classroom, she heard one of the people who conjoined the group call out  her name.

"Hamantha, wait!"

She was confused, somebody was actually going to talk to her? By their own will?


This must be a trap.

Don't fall for it.

Not again.

It won't end up being a good thing.

I never ends up like that.

She could not by any circumstances let herself be dragged away by kindness as a disguise.

She was not sure as if she had to make a run into that classroom or stay, to see only if what these people wanted to do was 'talk', and only that.

The Ballad of Hamantha 🌠Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora