Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P16

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Aunt Tee and Spicy don't think I should trust Mr. Harms all the way. (14 words, if he wasn't trustworthy he wouldn't have told Clotee about his window nor left that obvious note nailed to the tree.) But he hasn't done nothing to make me not trust him. (11 words, also true.)
I have looked at the one-eyed man's picture over and over. (11 words) He don't look at all like Mr. Harms, but for after all that's been happening, I think Mr. Harms might know the one-eyed man. (24 words, I think your guess from your gut intuition is more correct than you realize.)
Mr. Harms isn't from the Philadelphia, the New York, or the Boston. (12 words, of course a Virginian man can be an abolitionist our first was Thomas Jefferson and he lived in Virginia. He was the one who made the first try to help get rid of slavery, Skylights.) He's from Virginia. (3 words)
Can a southern mas'er be an abolitionist? (7 words) Mr. Harms said in his note that he would speak to me. (12 words) Maybe I'll get answers to some of these questions then. (10 words)

101: 122nd diary entry annotated.
Monday, October 17, 1859
"Will you teach me to write my name?" Spicy asked. (10 words, it is something so simple to teach.) I've never really thought about teaching anybody else how to write. (11 words, I don't blame you've been so scared about being caught up in getting caught you never had time to think about teaching others to write, but now God is calling you to take up this challenge too.) I've always been the one learning. (6 words)
I used the poker to write letters in the ashes. (10 words, you can also use scratching something in dirt as a private form of communication many people can instantly get the message.) Spicy and Aunt Tee looked on with wondering eyes. (9 words, wondering is a fancy substitute for amazed here so amazed eyes which would have made the sentences sound like it fell abruptly short.)
For the first time I been able to share my secret with somebody. (13 words, God will set you up for the right time and make sure you have the right times and moments to spread the affect of your deeds in a good way.)
I love seeing them smiling at the letters that makes up their names. (13 words, you wanted to cheer up your Aunt God said now it is time, now is the time to do that.)
I feel warm and good inside. (6 words)
What good is knowing if I cain't never use it to do some good. (14 words, absolutely the best part of knowing is that you are able to share, I share my love of God through Wattpad because I don't have anywhere else to do it. I prefer to share what I understand with those who can and are able to listen, I feel more validated this way thanks to God. This is also the same way I treat my hair if you want to cut your hair and it's nice good long hair donate it to Cancer kid organizations like I have done for years. I hate cutting my hair unless I know it will do go in other parts of the world otherwise there is too many scraps of hair for the birds to use in their nests. Wild animals will usually set hair aside and then eat only the meat beyond their mwal's carcass.)
Spicy made an S. (4 words)
And Aunt Tee made a T. (10 words)
We've had our first lesson. (11 words)

102: 123rd diary entry annotated.
Tuesday, October 18, 1859
Mr. Harms knows that I know that he knows I can read and write. (14 words, be patient the answer and the time for him to explain will come to meet you, Clotee.)
But he has not said a word to me about it. (11 words, he doesn't want to be overheard by the Master of the Plantation.) Treats me the same as always. (6 words, he's trying not to come of as suspicious by staying so silent.)
When will he speak to me? (6 words)
Meanwhile, Miz Lilly aine back yet, so our housework is not as hard, but Mas' Henley's been around all week in his study. (23 words)
I couldn't get ink out. (5 words, God always gives another way to make sure things get done his way the problem is most of us refuse to recognize they're even right in front of us at all, pay attention to that reasoning because a faith believer in this story doesn't recognize the sign of God working in Mr. Harms. Yes, I'm talking about Rufus.)
But Aunt Tee helped me make a mixture of charcoal ash and blackberry wine. (14 words, clever.)
It makes a good ink until I can do better. (That's rather cool way to make ink don't you think? Writing down on parchment in the liquid of wine as your own new amazing ink.)

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