Stream of Consciousness: Medicine For Writers

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Stream of Consciousness: Medicine For Writers Lessons

Although good writing requires careful thought and hard work, being overly concerned with finding the perfect word or sentence structure can be detrimental. You don't want to lose touch with the fun and discovery of writing! One way to break the cycle of "all work and no play" is by writing a stream-of-consciousness piece.
The instructions here are simple: begin writing and don't stop! Disregard all rules of grammar, syntax, punctuation and so forth. The idea is to allow expression, to gather momentum and see what surfaces. If you run out of things to say, keep on writing. If you're stuck, you can write "I'm stuck" over and over again! Sooner or later, you'll break out of it and discover a rhythm.
Besides taking a break from the "laws" of composition, stream-of-consciousness writing can help you discover and vent your feelings. You might be surprised to find yourself getting emotional as you write, or writing about a person or event you haven't thought of in years.
Twenty minutes of writing is recommended for beginners, although you should feel free to go on longer.

Writing is a great way to vent without annoying anybody that is why it gets rid of negating your negativity you might have cooped up inside. Thank you, Gabriel for being to acknowledge this true magic cure in the gift of practice writing. I really appreciate that someone else does agree
with all I thought was always true about writing, Skylights. —Lumna10.

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