Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P16

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Please do not copy the diary entries. They belong to the author, I would not be sharing any of them if I did not purposefully comment and respond to almost every other sentence. And FYI really dark stuff coming has already started up. Unless you use it as a model to write your own example of annotation or a challenging writing prompt to follow NEVER COPY IT EVER. I will never put this book in stores or on another website either. This is a solo Wattpad story only and only exists for the convenience of those who wish to catch onto several writing skills and practiced them, Skylights, when they have no resources to use and accessibly provide themselves off line. I don't want any money for it and I don't want popularity for it. It is just a simple gift to less fortunate than me and to me them being able to read this is satisfying enough. It is enough for me that readers will want to read it.

You, however,  may quote whatever annotations I have stated that you find make a very good lesson and point I will allow that. I quote people all the time. And I will be listing several quotes from the story in these chapters to come up later because they are really good to quote, my friends.

99: 120th diary entry annotated.
Monday, October 11, 1859
After breakfast, I slipped into Mr. Harms' bedroom. (8 words)
Standing in the side window, I got a clear view of the woods and especially the tree where my diary and Spicy's Bible were hidden. (25 words, wow! He was warning you.) Thanks be there were no other bedroom windows at that end of the house. (14 words, yes, you got so blessed honestly.)
What is going on? Mr. Harms knows my secret for sure. (11 words) He must have seen Spicy and me at the tree when she showed me her Bible. (16 words) But why didn't he tell Miz Lilly or Mas' Henley? (10 words, because he doesn't want to tell them period about anything that he really is there for.)
I'm beginning to think there is more to this strange man than any of us really knows. (17 words, I believe it is way more than you could guess at first glance he only seems like a simple man.)

Later that same night
My suspections are right. (4 words)
Mr. Harms is not who he seems to be. (9 words, indeed)
When I went to move my diary from the hollow of the tree, there was a note fixed to it. (20 words, oh?!!

I know you can read and write.
Please be careful, I will talk to you soon.

(16 words, in message up above, and a very soft and kindly warning, Skylights.)

The note was signed "H" for Harms. (7 words)
I hid my diary under my dress and hurried to find Spicy. (12 words, yep now's the time to tell your friends who you know won't spill your secrets to your masters.) I didn't want to put her in the heat of things, but she already was. (15 words, yep Spicy deserves the warning after being such a good friend.) It broke my heart to tell her that Mr. Harms had found her Bible. (14 words, truthfully my heart would act the same way if I had real life friends around but I don't.)
But it hurt even worser for Spicy to think I'd tattled on her. (13 words, yep the hardest thing is telling truth to some of those who will not believe you first.)
Even when I showed her how easy it was for him to see us through his window, she still didn't b'lieve me. (22 words)
"If that's true, then why didn't he tell Mas' Henley?" (10 words)
I had no choice at that point but to 'fess everything. (11 words, better to confess the full truth to a true best friend than to a complete fake friend, Skylights.)
I took a deep breath and showed her my diary and the note Mr. Harms had left. (17 words)
Spicy took me straight to Aunt Tee. (6 words, Spicy was doing the right thing bringing this back to Aunt, something other than the Earthly will of Master was being stirred not just in Clotee but revealed in Mr. Harms' actions outside the watchful eye of the Master & Mistress too also.)

100: 121st diary entry annotated.
Daybreak Sunday, October 16, 1859
The roosters just crowed. (4 words)
Thank God it's Sunday and not a full workday. (9 words, indeed.) Aunt Tee, Spicy and me sat up all night talking. (10 words) There are no secrets between us now. (7 words, betcha that is a huge burden off our main characters' shoulders.) I'm glad in a way. (5 words)
In fact, I am writing in my diary right here in Aunt Tee's cabin. (14 words)
At first, she was 'gainst my learning — but she say now that she was just scared — didn't want me beaten or sold away. (23 words, I still blame the fact that she blames herself for giving into human fears that was too much sternness for only just a fearful reaction.)
"I will not stand in the way of what might be the Lord's work being done through you chile."
She even said for me to hide my papers in her cabin. (31 words, true, once the Lord's work has been begun in anyone nobody can stop its affect not even your elders as much as they really want too. The ideas and impact of a preacher will linger and echo in the ears of those he taught even when he gets caught or martyred.) My diary will be safe with her. (7 words)
I worry that I've made life unsure for Aunt Tee and Spicy. (12 words)
If they get caught with my papers, we could all be in sinking sand. (14 words, but because you've chosen to believe in God the ground will not turn to sinking sand for you, he will keep you on safe and solid rocks."
Maybe Mr. Harms will be able to help.(8 words) But who is he, really? (5 words, that is the real deal question isn't it for all of us reading this?)
I got some ideas, but I dare not put voice to them yet. (13 words)

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