Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P13

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69: 91st diary entry annotated.
Two weeks later
I saw the calendar in Mas' Henley's office.  (8 words)
We in August already. (4 words)
August 10, 1859. (3 words)
So much has happened since last I wrote in my diary. (11 words) I knew somethin' was comin', but didn't know what. (9 words, you did because Lilly also knew these changes would be coming and she had the heart to warn you like you warned her.)
Mas' Henley done changed everythin' — everythin'. (6 words) Nothin's the same. (3 words)
First, he moved Aunt Tee out of the kitchen. (9 words) Say he cain't trust her to cook for him no more, 'cause of what happened to Uncle Heb. (18 words, not surprised cause he still feels guilty in his own eyes.) He put her down in the Quarters to look after the babies. (12 words, at least he gave her the second job she was good at and not a really hard job.)
Then to make it worse, he done brung Eva Mae up to the kitchen to be his new cook. (19 words)
There's more. Missy is takin' Spicy's place, 'cause Spicy's been sent to the fields. (14 words in the past two last sentences.) I get to stay in the kitchen, doin' what I been doin'. I guess that's what Miz Lilly meant when she say she was gon' take care of me. (29 words, she kept her promise.) I'd just as soon go to the Quarters with Aunt Tee than to stay near Miz Lilly. (17 words, be appreciative she's making sure you stay in an easy job.)
Spicy aine sorry to be goin' to the fields. (9 words.) She say she'll miss talkin' to me all hours of the night. (12 words, of course she will you were her best friend ever after all, Skylights) I will miss spendin' hours talkin' to her under the stars. (11 words, of course you were you're soul sister best friends forever.)
I will miss her stumblin' and fallin', then laughin' 'bout it. (11 words) Things will not be the same up here in the Big House without her. (14 words, nothing will be the same after loss and guilt remain and linger on without a tether.)
Aunt Tee is who I worry 'bout. (7 words)
This is the thanks she gets after all those years of service. (12 words) Mas'ers don't care how long and hard we work for them. (11 words, Again, so much bias from our main character, Master Henley wouldn't have made them: all the changes he did, if he didn't care but he does. He felt so guilty about losing his temper which he actually admits on his own no one forces it out of him not even his wife. When you feel so guilt towards someone you no longer have the courage to trust them just as you don't trust yourself too. He knew Aunt Tee and Spicy wouldn't feel ever feel comfortable anymore around him.) They own us, so they can do whatever they want to us. (12 words)
That's the worse part of bein' a slave. (8 words)
Never havin' a say in what happens to yourself. (9 words)

70: 92nd diary entry annotated.
Third Monday in August
Everybody knows that Eva Mae aine half the cook Aunt Tee is. (13 words)
But she likes to think that she is. (8 words)
It hurt me when Miz Lilly wouldn't let Aunt Tee take the old iron bed she and Uncle Heb had slept in for years. (24 words, an iron bed honestly that doesn't sound any more comfortable than a rock or tree stump for a pillow, Clotee.)
The bed had been a gift from Miz Lilly's grandfather to Uncle Heb for his years of service. (18 words, it is not much of a gift only men can can sleep on such things of course because their backs are hard-headed as real corpse skull backs.) Now Miz Lilly done gave it to Eva Mae and Missy to sleep in. (14 words.)
It's not right that Aunt Tee should have to sleep on a pallet at her age. (16 words)
When we abolitionists end slavery, everybody will have a bed to sleep in. (13 words)
Wonder will I ever get to meet a real abolitionist? (10 words, honey that day is coming, in fact, it is really right around the corner.)

71: 93rd diary entry annotated.
Next day
A horse and buggy turned into the front gate, gallopin' at full speed. (13 words)
Whenever I write the word S-T-R-A-N-G-E, I will remember seein' Mr. Ely Harms bouncin' round in that buggy, comin' up the drive. (22 word, horse buggies do bounce a lot more than cars because they rise and fall with the rhythm of the hitched horses' galloping, Skylights.) The tutor is here and I can't wait to find out 'bout him. (13 words.)

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