Headcanons 1-12

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#1 The Four Fallen kids have a sleepover every New Year's Eve in one of their bedrooms. The room alternates each year but because I associate Abeke with the number 4 and she's my fav, we'll say it was her room this year. They have like the most absolute fun ever. Sometimes a Greencloak or two will walk by and hear them laughing and they just smile and think "such cuties". And no one can tell me this doesn't happen because these kids need some happiness in their lives and that's final.

#2 You're rarely going to find all the four fallen kids in the same space. They're all over the place. One's in the library, another one of them ends up at the beach with their spirit animal. And then the other two are either eating, sleeping, or just doing whatever the heck they please.

#3 I feel like Abeke would get Meilin to help her braid her hair whenever she takes the previous ones out. They have so much fun and they'll sit and talk about everything. The boys will come in at some point and either sit down and join them or entertain Meilin and Abeke for a little bit before leaving again.

#4 When Conor visits his parents,all the dogs his family owns always push him to bring out Briggan. They basically see Briggan as kind of like an older sibling to them. They're always running around and barking, which is eventually put to a stop when Briggan accidentally knocked into a table and brought everything down with him 🙃

#5 The four fallen kids will casually have a sleepover out of nowhere. Like Meilin might showup to Abeke's room for something and next thing she's brought a blanket and they're just talking. Jhi and Uraza will just be there lazing around. Then, because Rollan is Rollan, he'll bang open the door Conor peeking in behind him. Before Meilin can kick him out, he'll make a bee line for Jhi and cuddle up with her. They kinda just come to the conclusion that their all going to sleepover. Their spirit animals also join the pile kind of? (I feel like Uraza and Briggan would sleep close to their respective partners but like also share their warmth with everyone else.) Jhi basically has all the kids cuddle piled around and on her and she's happy like that. Essix is Essix so she may just stare at them all or like sleep on top of someone's head. When they all wake up in the morning, it's to Essix screeching to be let out and Tarik banging on the door cause they're late.

#6 Before she died, Abeke's mother taught Abeke all sorts of things. Reading, writing, I feel like her mom knew a lot of things; for example, sign language. Like the books say, she didn't take take after the artistic things but if she was to be by herself with limited supplies, Abeke would be ok.

#7 The four fallen animals are like literal siblings (I know the book calls them that already but just wait) Jhi's the oldest; she's super sweet and loves all her siblings. Briggan's like the fun older brother but he's also very responsible. For Essix and Uraza I couldn't really decide because their personalities are just so interesting? Idk. Anyway, this is what I came up with. Uraza's the moody middle kid who like loves her older sister. For Briggan it's so and so . Like one moment she'll be sitting on the floor of his room chilling with him talking about whatever and the next minute he's teasing her and she's ready to throw hands. And then Essix is the spoiled baby. She's similar to Uraza but like she's always plotting evil. They love her anyway.

#8 Your little thought for/of the day is Briggan is basically a puppy. You knows how a good chunk of dogs like to open doors and take a look? He does that. Except he knows where's he's going. Abeke could be chilling with Uraza and next moment Briggan's nosing the door open and coming to say hello. He's got a big smile on his face and everything. Ok now let that thought sit with you for a bit 😘

#9 Essix. Omg Essix. Somebody go help my girl Essix out because omg. If Essix is indoors, she needs something to fidget with otherwise you're gonna start seeing torn up furniture everywhere. Girl can't sit still for a minute 💀. i.e Meilin comes back to her room after training. Opens the door and there's fluff everywhere. Why? Because somehow Essix broke into her room and tore up the little arm chair Meilin had. And the culprit is still sitting on her throne of disaster 😃

#10 (if you haven't noticed yet, I'm doing a little Great Beasts headcanon series)

-let's talk about Jhi 🫶🏿 FIRST. It is my firm belief that all of the four fallen kids at some point cuddled with Jhi. Who wouldn't? She's just there in their space so why not have a hug or two? But let's also discuss the fact that she's basically the kids therapist. They'll sit with her ranting about something and she'll just give them her very furry opinions. Rollan doesn't like something? She's agreeing with him with her big panda sigh. Abeke tells her something exciting and she's standing on two legs trying to celebrate with her. She just really really loves the four fallen kids 💙 Ok, enjoy your happy thought of the day <3

#11 OK FRIENDS time to talk about our feline friend Uraza 😌

FIRST. Uraza's a little stalker. (a grumpy one at that) You know she's making good use of her silent skills. But she's like everywhere? She's in the trees, stalking across stone walls, or leering down at you from some high up object. She likes to jump scare people too. Conor's walking down the hall? Next minute there's a growling purple eyed leopard staring him down from one end. Scary no? Just wait till she scares Rollan. He's somehow in a tree or on his way to Arctica :)

TWO. Uraza loves to be pet. We already know this from the books but it's not just Abeke who she'll let pet her. (She's her favourite though) Any one of the four fallen kids accidentally brushes against her and she's nudging her head against them asking for more.

Ok that's all 😘

#12 Basically, Shane's an adventurous kid. So when he first starts travelling as a Conqueror, he's thinking "what the flip wow." And he tries all these foods (steals rlly but shh) and new things and he's just really really happy.

(shippy bit. If you don't like shaneke cya ltr) 

So this is after Abeke's gone to the Greencloaks side, but whenever Shane sees something new or amazing, he thinks "I should show this to Abeke." or "Abeke would've loved this."

-and just because I'm feeling extra today 😉, when they meet up again in The Place of Desolation after defeating the Wyrm (Shane lives for the purposes of this headcanon) he's collected all sorts of items to show her and talk to her about; anything he couldn't show her, he describes to her and they're just sitting in their own quiet little bubble 😭

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