To the Crystal Throne.

Start from the beginning

She stared at the center of the burned town of Neet, almost seeing the battle. Her and Dijon, clashing blades while someone else pulled as many people out as they could. She was so lost in thought that someone had to pull her out.

"Hello?" She turned sharply, seeing 4 people standing there. 2 guards and two guys. The dark haired male was gripping the redhead's arm as he swayed slightly, translucent eyes staring off into the air. He seemed to be looking at her, which gave her the assumption that he could see... something that let him know she was there. The redhead spoke again, letting her know that he had been the one to speak the first time. "Who are you?"

"Sil-" The dark haired boy seemed to hiss. Ah, clearly the sword on her belt gave him the idea of a murderer. She gave a warm smile before pulling her hand away from it, now realizing that she made a grab for it.

"A traveling warrior. My apologies for seeming a threat. I best be making my way back to my allies." As she started to leave, the redhead spoke.

"You were here, weren't you?" She stopped her retreat almost instantly. "At the fires?" She paused as the dark haired boy made a noise. Not wanting to surrender herself, she spoke again.

"I was traveling from afar when I saw the flames." She turned back to the center. "One of the people inside mistook me as the attacker and tried to take me out. Thankfully, I was able to get out of there, but so many lives had already been taken by the time I got here." She sighed as he spoke.

"There were survivors. 6 people escaped." She zoned out slightly. She knew that nera was a survivor. She couldn't kill Dijon even if she tried. Then there was Rosa, who had to have escaped if she was a knight of Bale. Did nera's other parent make it? It wouldn't surprise her if that was who was running around her and Dijon's fight. That was 4. Who else escaped- She then paused.

"You were there?" He nodded while his companion kept a watch on her. Oh, she wasn't going to kill them. Not when she was in the middle of the past.

"My father died in the flames. I only lost my sight." She thought back to the fire. She remembered two people nearly escaping. She must've let the younger one go since Dijon was looking for her to fight.

"Who was the last one? I know there was a family of four that got out and two of them even came back to look for others. But-" He hummed.

"I don't know. I couldn't see. I didn't know there were others until Dennigrad's guards counted 6 less people than the population. They knew I was one, but that's where I got the number." She hummed before an idea hit her. Tempesta was a survivor and was at Dennigrad. She then smiled.

"Here. Why don't I help you back to the City? One of my allies might be one of those survivors." Despite being translucent, his eyes seemed to light up.

"Really?" She hummed softly. While his companion looked unsure, she wasn't going to kill them. If she didn't kill the redhead back when she attacked the first time, she wasn't going to do it now. Especially not with 3 witnesses with him. He survived her, so she wasn't going to change that. He then nodded. "Very well. We best be getting back anyways-"

"But Sil-"

"Hush." The darker haired boy was instantly silenced, which gave her the idea that he knew what he was doing. And if she was right, then that's where Onyx got his ability of fear from.


Upon arrival, she noticed Pearl and Lapis locked eyes. Clearly, they were trying to see who was going to try and convince the guards to let them see the leader. Onyx was trying to butt in while nera was asleep on the ground nearby, trying to block them out. She had a grin before she brought them over.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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