To the Crystal Throne.

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Upon arriving in Furni, the group instantly received word from Midnight. Apparently a wolf dealt damage to the Mayor's daughter and was blocking one of his targeted places that he was trying to access. So while he waited at Dennigrad, he left them a note to handle the situation so that he could finish his research. Lapis silently convinced one of the Mercs in town to deliver a message to the smaller boy, which nera noticed had contained the paper with the info he had made on the ship. Lapis noticed his gaze before nera nodded to him. They had to get Midnight that info somehow.

They decided to help Midnight out. Since the wolf was affecting other people, it was better for everyone. Onyx was able to deal with it quickly before cleaning up the field. (Moonstone admitted that she felt threatened) They decided to head for Dennigrad before Moonstone paused.

"You guys go ahead."

"Aw, are you afraid of Onyx or don't want to see Midnight?" Pearl had to defend Cedar from the incoming blow of the deadly sword.

"First of all, me being afraid of Onyx has nothing to do with me disappearing. Second of all, just because Midnight has the skills to kill me doesn't mean anything either. So shut your trap, you old storm." nera accidentally let a chuckle out at Cedar's face. She then stepped back, putting her sword away. "No... there's something I want to check nearby. Personal reasoning. I'll catch up in a bit. And if you somehow lost both of those two in the time I'm gone, I might return faster. Nothing guarantees that." nera snickered softly as she vanished.


"Don't. You are on thin ice as well."


Midnight was at the library when they reached Dennigrad, so they were able to talk to him.

"You're missing someone."

"She went somewhere."

"Hm." They joined him at the table before he looked up at Lapis. "Thanks for the notes. It cleared up a lot of things." Pearl frowned.

"Pardon?" Lapis gave a weak smile as Midnight held up the paper from the ship.

"This has the details of the name of the city that Obsidian went to, proof of the identity of the Black Monster, and what I'm looking for to fix the Blue-Sea Dragoon." He slipped it over as he grabbed one of the books next to him and opened it up to a marked page. "Obsidian made it to Ulara, the Spring Breath Town. That's practically a Wings of Mastery HQ if they would use it properly." He then paused. "Oh wait... never mind." He then sighed. "With the picture, it does confirm that Moonstone is the Black Monster. However, getting her to admit to that is like saying Onyx can't kill us right now." The group shared a nervous look as Onyx frowned, prompting Midnight to add; "Which is on a level of impossible that we'd rather not be on." He then hummed. "As for the spirit, most of the things in the recipe were easy to find. But I need a distraction to finish it." Pearl paused.

"Distraction?" Midnight nodded.

"The Forest of Winglies. I need to get in there to track down the last piece to fix the spirit. I have a wanted poster in that place thanks to a good for nothing rumor." He sighed. "I only have two people on the inside that trust me. I can't take that risk." He then paused. "Going off other news, I have not gotten into contact with the other Wings of Mastery. So I don't know what's going on. Yet." nera gulped.

"Then it'll be best that we go to the castle, right?" Midnight nodded as he closed the books he had out.

"I'll go see if I can get what I need from the Forest of Winglies. But if I can't, I'll see you guys on the other side."


Moonstone was quiet as she looked around.

"To think... almost nothing has changed."

PS Legend of Dragoonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن