60. Monster Movie

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you got me -- I mean, this killer's some kind of grade-"A" wacko, right?" Sheriff Dietrich guessed. "I mean, some Satan-worshipping, Anne Rice-reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe."

"Sheriff, in your report, you mentioned a witness."

"Yeah, I wished I didn't." He huffed. "But our witness insisted. That's Ed Brewer. Not exactly what you'd call reliable."


Sam and Dean walked up to the bar.

Jamie glanced at Mae as the former handed two beer glasses to Lucy. "They're yours, Lori."

Mae let out a light sigh and walked up to the boys, offering a faux smile. "I remember you."

"And I remember you..." Dean looked at her name tag, ""Lori."" He smiled and winked at her. "I never forget a pretty... everything."

Mae raised a brow. "Be professional, Agent."

"We're looking for Ed Brewer," Sam told her.

"What do you want with Ed?"

"Well, we are, uh... federal agents," Dean answered as he and Sam showed their badges. "Mr. Brewer was witness to a serious crime."

Jamie walked up next to her new bartender and asked disbelievingly, "You're a fed? Wow, you don't come on like a fed."

Jamie and Mae frowned. "Seriously?"

Dean grinned and leaned forward on the bar towards them, slightly closer to Mae. "I'm a maverick, ma'am's. A rebel with a badge. One thing I don't play by - The rules."

Sam offered an irritated smile. "Okay, maverick." He looked at Jamie and Mae. "So, where can we find Mr. Brewer." Jamie pointed towards Ed.

The boys walked towards him.

Ed Brewer uncapped his beer stein and drank before saying, "I old the cops everything I saw. No one believes me." He pointed at them. "Why should you be any different?"

"Believe me, Mr. Brewer, we're different," Dean said.

"I spoke God's honest truth. And now, I'm the town joke."

"Marissa Wright's murder is no joke to us," Sam told him. "And we want to hear anything. No matter how strange it may seem."

"We have a lot of experience with strange," Dean added.

Ed uncapped his beer stein and drank. "It was just after midnight. I just left here, and like I do every night," he walked his fingers along the table, "I cut through the park on the way home. At first, I thought it was a couple kissing." His voice softened. "But she was... struggling too much. And this man, he was -- Well, he was biting her neck."

"Can you describe her assailant?" Sam asked.

"Oh, he was a vampire."

"Okay, right," Dean noted. "And by that, you mean-"

"You know, a vampire."



Dean continued prodding. "So, he looked like-"

"He looked like a vampire, you know, with the fangs and the slicked-back hair." He demonstrated with his hair. "And the fancy cape - And the little medallion thingy on the ribbon."

"You mean like Dracula?"

Ed grinned. "Exactly. Like a dracula. Right down to the accent."

"The ac-" Sam began.

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