𝟬𝟰. it's a bad idea, right?

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  it's a bad idea, right?
  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

 ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮FOUR!  it's a bad idea, right?  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Riley Lawrence was not someone who liked to speak a lot, believe it or not. I know it may hard to believe because of how many sarcastic remarks easily roll off her tongue but underneath that stoic exterior, was someone who was constantly an nervous and awkward mess. She sometimes can't even utter a coherent sentence without feeling like a sweaty mess or being completely tongue tied.

And it's been like that ever since she was a small child. She was always too nervous to open her mouth, afraid that she would be picked on by the other kids, who were way too judgmental for her already fragile self-esteem. She didn't want to utter any words if she could avoid it like the plague, preferring to just be the quiet shadow at the back of the room.

Though she has grown immensely over the years, she was still struggling to come to terms with her social anxiety. Some days, she felt well enough to raise her hand to ask a question but some days, she wanted to hide from the world and hoped no one would call upon her to speak.

The girl's immense fear of speaking had left to her become an observer. She became someone who took great interest in just viewing the world around her. She felt that the aspect of just observing meant more than a singular word. It meant that she was present in the moment. It meant that she was still involved but except, it was on her terms.

Riley Lawrence watched the vibrant world unfold before her very eyes as she sat alone on the bleachers. She was fascinated with every little detail that would of usually gone unknown to the average person but she had actually cared to stop and take a closer look for herself. It was calming for her, a way to ground herself in reality, even when the chaos had threatened this peace.

The girl had chosen to sit by herself, away from all of the chaos that had found it's place on the athletics field. She was patiently waiting for the start of lacrosse practice, so she turned her attention to just observing to pass the time. She took time, admiring the simplistic beauty that often ignored unless she had a moment to breath.

But she had to admit that out of all of the things that she had observed, the most beautiful thing in her line of sight and in this world, was Chandler Xu.

The unsuspecting girl stood on the field, lost amongst the congested crowd of teenage bodies but the sun had always seemed to find her, acting like her personal spotlight and it practically made her stand out from the rest. She was like an expensive jewel that was highly desirable but nobody was allowed to have.

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