Twelve: The pain, the cat and the wannabe cook

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I took a one week break preparing for my YouTube Channel's Women's Day special. If you're wanna watch it, the link is below. Thanks:)


The night started out as chaotic as ever.

Hannah and William were bundled up on a sofa in Claire's house catching up - and Hannah was constantly trying to shove William off because her back was hurting. It must have really been hurting a lot because she kept wincing from time to time.

Hayley made a mental note to give her one of those pain relief balms that Mitchell normally applied on her fingers when she typed so much or burnt herself in the kitchen.

Austin and Claire on the other corner of the room were arguing about a stray cat. Austin wanted to keep it and Claire was against it. In her defense, she didn't like cats - or any animals except humans for that matter - and it was her house. Austin huffed and stomped his foot as he stared at the black little cat longingly. As if noticing his dilemma, the cat looked at up at him and gave an adorable meow.

"He and that cat are soulmates," Hayley told Mitchell and pointed at Austin.

The two of them were on the supper duty at Claire's due to the still ongoing power outage. Hayley wasn't complaining at all. Eating with more people than just Mitchell and playing games thereafter was incredible. Plus, Mitchell seemed happier too. Maybe it was a good thing.

She dreaded the day when power would be fixed and they'd have to go back to the lonely house.

"Pass me the soy sauce," Mitchell requested. Hayley reached for the bottle from the shelves and handed it over. "Y'know, " Mitchell went on, "mum used to prepare the best gravy. I try to recreate it but I never get it right."

Hayley tensed and swallowed. Rarely did they talk about their parents. Hayley never asked and Mitchell never brought it up.
"Eh- was mum a good cook?" she asked

Mitchell smiled. "The best. She taught me everything I know."

"She must have been so good then," Hayley nodded. "Because your cooking is amazing and yet you say that you aren't as good as her."

"My cooking is amazing?"

"I know I don't say it often, but it is. I miss you cooking my breakfast every morning. I can't keep eating dry doughnuts at the cafeteria every day and pretend that I'm okay," Hayley sniffled. "Like, you know my favorite things to eat, you care about my obsession with organic foods, you make the best juice in the entire world. I miss your cooking and I'm sorry I ever made you feel that you suck."

With a sad smile, Mitchell replied, "I am so glad you said that."

"So, can you teach me?"

"Teach you?"

"Teach me how to cook."

"What? Where did that come from?"

Hayley chewed her lip. Mitchell was right to be surprised because ever since Hayley was born, Hayley had never shown interest in anything kitchen related. But having shared that sentiment Mitchell had with cooking, Hayley suddenly wanted to share it. It would bring her close to her mother - much as she didn't know her. Had her mother been alive, she'd have wanted her to learn how to cook for sure.

Instead of doing another long rant, she opted for another explanation.
"Well, I'm twenty. I don't eat snacks and I can't live on take out forever." And also William mentioned that one day, you will be gone and I won't have you around to baby me.

"Alright," Mitchell seemed convinced. "If you really want to learn, who am I to stop you? Let's see - start by stirring for me in the pan with gravy."

Hayley reached for a clean spoon and started stirring - quickly and vigorously that some of the gravy ended up pouring out of the pan.

"Hey. Do it slowly, like this," Mitchell demonstrated. "After this, you can chop the vegetables in small pieces. The chopping board is over there. And be careful enough not to cut yourself!"

She ended up cutting herself anyway and let out a loud cry. Everyone rushed to the kitchen from the living room to see what was happening.
"It's a small bruise, I swear," she tried to calm everyone down. "I was just acting out of shock. It doesn't hurt."

Without warning, Mitchell grabbed her hand and placed it under the tap and let it run.
"What was I thinking?" Mitchell groaned. "I shouldn't have let you touch a sharp knife at first try! I'm such an idiot!"

"It's no big deal. I'm not bleeding that much, see."

"But it could have been worse!"

"But it wasn't!"

"This isn't happening again. I won't let you inside the kitchen again."

Hayley jerked her arm from her sister's hold.
"And why not? Because I cut myself? How else am I supposed to learn if you won't let me?"

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do if anything dangerous happens to you. I wouldn't take it, Hayley. You are all I have in this world."

"Don't be dramatic," Hayley snorted. "We are both going to cook this supper and you are going to tell me about mum while we are at it, deal?"

"What is this?" Mitchell asked with raised eyebrows. "Character development?"

"Call it whatever you want," Hayley rolled her eyes. "Do we have a deal?"

"Right after one of the guys helps you with cleaning that wound, I'll tell you everything you want to know."

Hannah offered to help dress the wound, dragging Hayley off to the bathroom at lightning speed. Just as the two of them exited the kitchen, Claire entered, humming an unfamiliar song.

Mitchell turned to her. "How did it go with Austin? Is he going to keep the cat?"

"Like the hell he will!" Claire scoffed. "None of us is here everyday to take care of it. Besides, what does he know about responsibility?"

"Maybe this could be an experience on responsibility. He looks smitten with it. I'm sure he wouldn't let it starve."

"Yeah, right. Best believe that even if I change my mind, I won't help take care of it. I hate cats."

"That's okay," Mitchell laughed. "I will help take care of it if you guys aren't around. I don't mind."

"Speaking of helping," Claire said with a snap of her fingers like she just remembered something. "Do you think you can fix an extra plate for supper? I hear that someone is joining us."

Mitchell's curiosity raised by ten bars. "Who?"

Claire waved her off. "Just William's brother, accordingly to Hannah.”

Do you people see these things coming or it's just me?

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