Feyd-Rautha x Yn

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She's from the Atreides house, but she's not a family member
I was locked in a cage, they took my height, they said they're gonna sell me, I'm afraid I don't know where are they taking me or who bought me, but I know I'm not gonna like it
???: she's ready let's get her to her new master
???2: you think he's gonna like her?
???: oh oh oh, I think he's gonna love her
I was going with my uncle
Me: what did he exactly said?
???: he has a surprise for you
Me: does he? Mmm
I walk up to my uncles room and open the door
Baron: my favorite niece
Me: what's the surprise
Baron: relax niece, she's not here yet
Me: she's? Another pet?
Baron: indeed, she's different, we make her different and she's from the house Atreides
That caught my attention
Me: how different?
The door opens and I saw two guard holding what I suppose it's a cage but it's cover, the came to me and uncovered it reveling a tiny woman shaking looking at us, first Baron and last...me, I smile in satisfaction and lick my lips
Me: hehe, we are going to have so much fun
I leave the room and walk into my own and I just can't focus on something else, I want to watch her every day, maybe hurt her a little so I can hear her speak, she just look at me with fear, I open my door and sit in the couch and place the cage I front of me
I back away until my back hit the bars of the cage
Feyd: well we'll we'll, house Atreides, this is interesting
He open the cage and grab me bringing me i front of his eyes he lower me and open his mouth licking my face "Ugh" I look up and he smile
Feyd: you taste good, maybe I'll eat ya, we'll my girls can but I want you by myself, tell me your name
I look down
Feyd: or I can name ya-
Me: Yn
Feyd: see, not that difficult, I'm Feyd-Rautha, but by the look of your face, you already know, we'll your my new pet
He put me in the cage and tilted it so that I was looking at his face in front of him and I was lying in the cage
Feyd: now, we are going to have a bath, you and me
He stand up and took my cage but he didn't close it so I almost flew away
Feyd: hey hey, don't try to jump, it's dangerous, I don't want my little pet to go to waist
He close the cage smiling, he enter the bathroom and fill the bath, he undress himself I look away, he move the cage so now I was looking at him, thank god the sink cover his....yea...
Feyd: why aren't you undress? It's not fair you can see mine and I can't see yours
He open the cage and took me out, he took my dress between his two fingers and slide it out of my body
"HOW THE HELL DID HE DO IT? HE DIDNT BREAK IT?, maybe they made it on purpose"
Now I'm completely naked in front of a hungry.....animal who waiting for me to uncover my parts
Feyd: your body shape is.....gorgeous
And they never told me that.....not at home at least, he's the only one...
Me: t-thanks
He raise a brow, or at least what it's suppose to be, he gets into the bath and place me on his chest who was halfway into the water
Feyd: come on, get in, for you it must me like the ocean
I look at him, he was with his eyes closed, I stop up and walk to the water, I got down and sat where it's cover, I lay down in the water and wash myself, I feel him get inside the water completely leaving me floating, I look around but I didn't saw him, I look down and I saw him....looking....at me "ok, that's creepy" he started to get out, when his head was out I was griping into his nose
Feyd: scared?
I nod
Feyd: oh, don't be, just hang on and don't fall...into...my mouth
He open his mouth but I start falling
Me: no no, please no
Feyd: oh yea, darling you taste good
I lose my grip and fall in his tongue, he close his mouth leaving me there, he move around and spit me in his hand, lowering me to the water
Feyd: wash again
She washes in my hand I watch her body, curvy, skinny with pale skin, blonde hair, and her voice, so fragile, I stood up and walk out, I threw on some shorts and she got dressed, I took the cage and place it in my nightstand, I open the bed and place myself, I took her out and place her on my chest
Me: how did you get caught?
Yn: e-emm, when you fought the Atreides on Arrakis I hide but you found me, took me here and now I'm with you...
Me: did yo pi do something before coming with me?
Yn: emm they touch me
Me: I'm the only one who can do that, who did it?
Yn: the ones who bring me to you
Me: let's deal with them now my little pet
I got up and place her on my shoulder and got out looking for those two who dare to hurt MY pet, I got into the crew where everyone is and found them making guard, I got close to them, I took my lil pet from my shoulder and place her on the near rock
??.: how is she? We can deal with her if you don't like  he-
I punch him and choke him, I turn to the other
???: s-sir?
???: I-I had t-to bring her t-to you s-sir
Me: not that way...
I slit his throat, I look at Yn and saw her covering her eyes, I kneel in front of her and place my hand near her, I'm getting comfortable with her, I wanna hold her, not letting anyone touch her, see her or even look at her
Me: it's over my pet
Yn: thanks, no one has done something like this for me
I grab her and head to my room
Me: how long have you work with the Atreides?
Yn: I was a servant of Paul for 5 years
Me: before those years?
Yn: with my mom, I was raised in the castle, my mom worked before me
Me: stupid Atreides, you could have come with me, I could have teach you many things
Yn: mmm it wasn't so bad, until we went to Arrakis
Me: well you will deal with me now
Yn: if you don't kill me, eat me or something like that, it's fine
Me: well if I kill you, where all my fun goes?
I smile, am I a psychopath??

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