Finding Roots

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This chapter takes place three moons later

"Wake up!" a growl came above Snowkit. She opened her eyes drowsily to see Thrushblaze above her, excitement glittered in her eyes. Snowkit was going to be out of the nursery today.

"I'm getting up!" Snowkit snarled back angrily. Does she have to be so cruel about everything? Snowkit sat up, she was almost as big as Thrushblaze, which she liked. The queen couldn't toss her around anymore. Snowkit could fight back.

"Don't snap at me!" Thrushblaze hissed back. "I'm a senior warrior and a queen. The warrior code says for you to respect me!" Snowkit sighed and rolled her eyes. She could see Smokekit behind her with his littermates. He was trying to catch Snowkit's eye. Once they made eye contact, they smiled at each other, but Thrushblaze soon blocked them again.

"Go!" Thrushblaze snarled. Snowkit flattened her ears and shoved her way past Thrushblaze. She was happy she was becoming an apprentice. She could ditch Thrushblaze's rule and be a tad freer. Though, she would have to deal with Minnowpaw until she became a warrior. Snowkit growled at the thought of that. Cats were beginning to gather underneath the tree. Most looked like they didn't want to be there, but honestly, the only one who looked excited was Flampounce.

Snowkit was thinking that Flamepounce would be her mentor. Pikestar had assigned the ginger she-cat to a good amount of things to teach Snowkit. Though if she didn't, she would literally flip if she got Otterclaw. She'd probably rip his face off on the first day. Pikestar wasn't on the tree yet, but she would be soon. Cats got out of her way as she walked to sit at the front of the crowd. Some were glaring at her, acting like this was an exile.

Snowkit lashed her tail, she was becoming an apprentice for StarClan's sake. One of the most important days of a cat's life and they were all glaring at her! As she sat down between Cranestep and Pearshine, Cranestep grunted and Pearshine scooted away a little. Snowkit really wanted to yell at them for being rude and ungrateful. I mean, I'm so committed, I am about to serve a Clan of cats who hate me! Suddenly, Pikestar bounded up on the tree. She was one of the only ones who actually looked joyful.

"You are gathered here today to welcome a new apprentice in the RiverClan ranks." Pikestar began. She scanned the clearing. Snowkit could see a small glitter of disappointment enter Pikestar's eyes. Probably because most cats really don't want to be here! Pikstar then looked to Snowkit.

"Snowkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Snowpaw." Pikestar started. She sounded so confident, and she seemed so good at ignoring the hissing from RiverClan cats.

"I, Pikestar, will mentor you myself, and I promise to pass down all I have learned."

Pikestar slipped down from the tall tree and touched noses with Snowpaw. Snowpaw's tail curled up behind her with excitement and joy. Leaders almost never took apprentices! She was special!

Am I really? she thought, reconsidering as she gazed down at her white-gray paws.


"What!?" some cat called out. It was Otterclaw. The tom's face was twisted up in anger. "How could you let that cursed kit be your apprentice? She'll kill you the first chance she gets!" Snowpaw snarled at the brown warrior. Her hackles lifted.

"I would never!" Snowpaw spat. Otterclaw growled. His large claws slid out and dug into the ground. Piksetar wove between the clustering RiverClan cats and stood in front of him, tail lifted and her claws unsheathed.

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