fragments of fate

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Hearing that zhan looked at few for few minutes with straight face frowning in suspense but being his subordinate he rolled his eyes and left after bowing them..

For chen he just heard that quiet cheesy conversation with a ew face having no thoughts but to hit both the men's really hard for breaching that limit of superior & subordinate

"What you are upto?"asked mr.chen while sitting beside yibo in wait for his answer,

"Mr. Chen i guess our contract is over now & its not our family or public place , i would be happy if you will not interfere in my professional life more ...and yes congratulations we made it " said yibo , shuddering off the question & situation for yibo this feeling was new he was really unaware of it all he knows is that its peaceful

Hearing that mr.chen left with no option , he just getup from their & left while walking he thought about morning incident a thought overwhelmed him that zhan is growing feeling for yibo and some what mr. Chen was not able to digest it he straightly headed towards zhan's cabin whenever zhan was, working already

For zhan after getting back from yibo's cabin he got email from mingyu for the correction of some data so he got busy with that but suddenly he felt the door is opening he raised his look but founding mr. Chen on door made zhan hold his breath

Mr. Chen walked in & stand in front of the desk zhan get up from chair with "mr.chen" his breaths were getting heavy when saw mr. Chen keep moving towards him he start taking back his steps with to every step moving towards zhan made that fear grow in his heart and in few steps his his back hit the wall & he saw yuan standing right infront oh him looking at without his lust filled eyes,

So what it should be called huh a mouse got the power to run ~said chen yuan while scoffing thinking no matter what his past will always follow him , follow him till the end of his life

Zhan trun his face he was to scared to speak something no matter how hard he present his self he is still week & hunted by the memories

Watching that act of zhan made mr chen flame in anger without thinking he hit zhan on his stomach area 4 - 5 times mercilessly like he use to year's ago made zhan bleed from his nose his eyes trun all red like he just take 2-3 shots of cocaine zhan fell on floor on pain holding his stomach

Mr. Chen kneen down infront of him and grabbed his face with
"You are, you was , you will always be a slave for me , their's no morning for you" with that he stood up & fixed his coat and hit zhan again with his leg & left while laughing at him Mockingly,

Zhan was laying on the floor crying all his self his eyes were shading blood, he was crying on his fate thinking what he did that he deserve this he was feeling serious pain his stomach but somehow he managed to get up he sat on chair and head down holding his stomach tightly the pain was unbearable and in some time faint

It was around 5 in eve and everyone was enjoying the treat given by mr. Wang for their hardwork but while everyone was enjoying he couldn't see mr. Zhan  he was about to ask everyone as everyone is enjoying but his PA is missing it seems quiet disrespecting ,

But before he could he heard a voice echoed in room " hey guys i need your help  its emergency we need to bring mr. Zhan - mr. Zhan  hospital " a girl said Huffing unevenly sweat was dripping from her head

Hearing that caught yibo's attention and being the HOD he was about to ask about it but before he could the voices cut him off

" Why what happened to him "some one asked breaching the manner of speaking

I don't know he is unconscious that girl replied

" Is he really? Well Even if  he but i m volunteering to help him , after all he is gay what if its just a trick & i warn u too mis . xin yan to stay away from him " said another employee showring his  narrow mentaly over others 

Hearing wasnt felt appropriate to some of the employee & they help in carrying him & driving him off to the hospital

When they were bringing out zhan from his cabin everyone see that his clothes were little worn his cheek & jaw line was looking all blue  it made everyone what the actual matter was

For yibo he was hearing everyone's argument while observing the situation quietly but he didn't know that his quietness will be this  troubling to his own existence
Hearing the fact that mr. Zhan is gay made land skip from under his feets  his hands were shaking his world was feeling like collapsing hearing this single thing made his quiet devasted without wasting any time he just left from their

To be continued

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