Jealousy in the Corner Office

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Zhan couldn't hold his self mr. Wangs flawless body keep making him gulp his own saliva ,so he just bring his phone out start using it mentally slapping his self like what the fuck he is actually thinking mr. Wang is his boss who just stood to support & save him , think all that he heard nurse voice

" Mr. Wang needs a day or 2 days bed rest " ~ Said the nurse helping him to wear his shirt

Saying that she left & zhan went to mr. Wang , mr. Wang frist felt a lil angry for how he gonna attend the function what if his dad did something but later he felt relieved because of his wound that now everyone saw it ,he have a golden opportunity that will help him to avoid the function and when he(yibo's father ) will ask mr. Chen or Erick About him(yibo ) then they gonna have a strong reason thinking all that unknowingly a smirk fell on his lips

Mr. Wang am i audible < said zhan

Braking from his overthinking mr. Wang replied zhan

"hm u r "

zhan was totally confused coz of his personality but he shrugged it off thinking let mr. Wang live in his personal space

He again asked him

Mr. Wang please give me ur driver number so i can call him so that he will drive you to ur apartment" ~said zhan innocently

"No its alright mr. Zhan my apartment must be crowded with guest right now m not gonna get rest their anyway and booking hotel room just for a day is totally useless i will stay here u can leave ~ said yibo

while adjusting his self on bed he thought that this must have satisfied zhan now he won't force him to go anywhere but he felt crused at the same moment coz of this uncomfortable bed & unbearable pain on his well defined handsome neck & face

For zhan he felt mr. Wang reply factual so he just nod & greet him then left from their but at the threshold of room he stop and trun back thinking how will he sleep here what if he needs something or what if his condition got any bad he should bring mr. Wang at his place after all its caused because of him with that zhan asked him while turning back ..

"Mr. Wang i don't think its a comfortable place for you to stay & i understand ur point too please don't refuse my invitation... ~ said zhan

Hearing this suddenly freez mr. Wang's body he trun his head thinking about which invitation he is talking about so in confusion he asked

Invitation? ~ said yibo

Yes mr. Wang i request to stay at my apartment its not as luxurious as other but my apartment will be better then this room you can rest their more comfortably< said zhan
Zhan tried his best to convince him and was observing him getting that he is thinking about something whereas for yibo he found it inappropriate to bother him but whatever he said is partially true so he nodes in acceptance

Xiao zhan passes a warm smile unknowingly zhan's eyes were revealed his shoulder were feeling so light like a burden just dropped off from his shoulder then he helped mr. Wang to stand up and they both walked out zhan was giving him support even its not needed but zhan was really worried about mr. Wang and mr. Wang got it from his action but it gives mr. Wang a little sarcastic thought thinking it's really pitty that whom we want or rely on they leave us & the one whom we don't they become caring he huffed

Both mens are walking straightly towards mr. Wang's cabin to collect his stuffs so they can leave but in mid they saw that female employee & zuan hua and as both the girls saw them zuan hua run to him

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