Brotherly Divide: Office Turmoil

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Zhan was rubbing his forehead secretly thinking is it really important to work with his brother and what mr. Wang (yibo) agreed to transfer his post he gulped and trun his head towards both wang again with faking a smile
For yibo he was alredy pissed by his brother joining on the same department as his and now as he came he started showing his right on everything he rolled his eyes while looking at zhan and replied
"I appreciate that  you're volunteering to work with mr. Zhan but i suggest to choose wisely & i will assign you one of the bestest PA " ~said yibo

Hearing that mingyu make a puppy face which almost caught everyone eyes their
Hearing those words from yibo made zhan breath in peace his eyes relax and he exhale in peace but being aware of his identity he didn't took any second in leaving the place

"Mr. Mingyu , mr. Wang i should take my now have a good day ahead" said zhan & left not in will get in any type tensing situation but before he leave he saw mr. Chen & his team mates were coming and it forced him to pass a eww look & leave
For yibo he also left as zhan left not wasting any time he straightly headed towards his cabin as he entered the cabin he throws his blazer on couch and hit the chair in frustration thinking what have happened in party yesterday
With that he heard a knock

"Yes"   said yibo in his heavy standoffish voice for him he was flaming in anger and this sudden knock frustrated him even more

" your coffeesaid zhan hearing his aggressed voice keep poking zhan to enter in cabin and ask him but still he stand out side while waiting for his reply

"Slip that on your face & get lost " said yibo while yelling he knows that it's the same person whom he called gēge yesterday and now just insulted him but he couldn't control his self

Zhan was standing out side while waiting for yibo's reply till he heard him yelling "slip that om your face and get lost"zhan   was shocked by his reply even felt a little out casted thinking out side he(yibo ) was al l good but what happened out of sudden he(zhan) felt really insulted he lower his head and trun around but he saw. Me. Chen was coming and as soon mr. Chen reach & hold the door nob zhan stop him with "sorry mr.chen i guess mr. Wang is not in good mood" with that he looked at mr.chen in hope mr. Chen will no disturb him (yibo)
For mr. Chen he was  worried about yibo knowing the fact that his stepbrother presence must have made yibo feel FURIOUS & out cast , and when he reached his cabin he saw zhan was standing their already & when mr. Chen try to open the door zhan even stop him and as mr. Chen was alredy worried he scoffed and "you are just his PA , stop sticking around him he isn't cheap as u stop interfering in his personal matter and give that coffee to me"  and mr. Chen snatched the mug and went inside yibo' cabin
Hearing that hurted zhan alot for him it was feeling like reality have slapped him again he shouldn't think tok much of it he is really just a PA a thick layer bulid around his eyes he again lower his head and left from their
  Well for yibo he sat on his chair when mr . Chen entered he placed his(yibo's)  coffee mug on table and sit on the table and start explaining yibo about yesterday things

Like his dad purposely made him (mingyu ) join the company mingyu dont want that but infront of mr. Wang (yibo's dad) he couldn't said much

Yibo looked at him with his cat eyes wgo were all red where mr. Chen was trying his best to clam yibo

Time skip to the noon 

After a great hardwork mr. Chen finally calmed yibo & they both went the maid hall as it was already the time when ceo was arriving while walking through corridor they received everyone greetings but yibo was searching for zhan to apologise him because he shouldn't talk like that to his employee even he is angry  while looking around a thought hit him that he must be with zuan hua  he excuse hus self  and asked a employee about zuan hua but they said she is helping others to arrange the the screen for the game software , then he that employee about zhan ,that employee looked around and spoke after few seconds making yibo curious
" Mr. Wang, mr. Mingyu was searching for mr. Zhan , he must be in mr.mingyu's cabin" said that employee and Left hurriedly while watching yibo's changing expression
Yibo closed his eyes in anger and straightly headed towards mingyu's cabin
As he reach mingyu's cabin he entered without knocking he saw zhan & mingyu was sitting and munching whopper with soft drinks

Yibo coughed from behind stealing that lime light

For zhan & mingyu  around half hour ago mingyu called zhan to have a snack  as he saw him sitting freely afterall now everything was to be handled by other workers so he was rooming freely and as zhan got offer for whopper he agreed without second thought as his mood was already off coz of yibo's morning behaviour then they both directly went to mingyu's cabin and he ordered whopper pizza and soft drink and in 5 - 10 mins it also arrived and they were eating when mingyu start sharing about his university & friends thing leaving his professionalism aside braking zhan in laughter

" Didn't your dad got you drink or what that lame joke you smelled socks that why your are intoxicatedsaid Zhan laughing out loudly zhan was holding his stomach from his one hand as it was hurting due to his unstoppable loud laughter untill they 2 heard a cough

Hearing that fake cough made both little soul stuck their food mingyu slowly raised his head he saw yibo was standing their crossing his arms where zhan gluped hard thinking he is dead today for sure  he was scared as hell he didn't dare to trun his head even his mouth was  stuffed

"Mr. Zhan meet me out side" said yibo rolling his eyes and left not in any will to have conversation with his brother zhan clech his jaw and bowed mingyu then left thinking why its him why he always have to get scolded he get out from the room & mr. Yibo standing their waiting for him

" Mr. Yibo ...  I apologise for braking office ~zhan got cutoff in mid when yibo trun around and saw look him with dead eyes zhan gulped

" I m heading in my cabin bring "xxxx" file  " said yibo and left while flaming in anger and left  leaving zhan dumbfounded  with the second thought that he is overthinking  he is just a pa brah
With that he went in his grabbed the file and walked towards yibo's can and knocked the door then entered and saw  yibo smoking sitting on couch with a same strange expression on his face

To be continued

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