Pack house

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I open the car door and sneak out.  I close it and i look at the disappearing figure of my friends and i watch them seperate. We had put the cars in a cave nearby which had 2 entrances, it was my favorite place to come and go in when i was small. So that if one exit closed the other was still present. Handy for a quick escape. I close my eyes and sigh waiting for my body to take the first step. But then i remembered my past life here as i gazed back at Night Stalker Pack house. It once used to be so jolly and filled with happiness. But that was when i was a delusional child. Ever since then all its ever been is another source of suffering in my life.

When i think about what I've been through here and i look back at everything i've done ever since i left. I wonder if this new pack makes me stronger. Like this is the pack where I truly belong. And this is the mate i can truly love. Not logan. Not my family. Not this pack. But Moon Stone Pack. Realizing the past events that have taken place there... My pillow fight with alaina and ariana. My makeovers, our training sessions, my interactions and the times i've saved the pack. My first interaction with them was also quite intriguing. 

But now when i think about the step im going to take... will it scar me? Will rowan still be able to love me. I open my eyes once again in confidence. I might take time and healing to fall in love with rowan. But i know he will wait. Right now saving alaina is the priority. That's my mission.Thats my goal. I look ahead at the road as i take my first few steps. I continue walking as my confidence increases. That is, until i see Logan staring right at me. atleast 45 men were surrounding me as i looked around. But when i saw logan smirking, that scared me. That wasnt a good smirk. It was his smug smirk standing as tall as it ever could as i heard him speak

''My beautiful diana, here to save the day for her loyal friend. Or should i say friends? I had been promised the fact that you would come alone, only if you did would alaina leave this house alive. But you didnt. You know what, since i am the kindest alpha here though i have brought you a even better offer than the previous one.'' I hear grunting and growling and shouting from behind him . I then hear ariana and alaina's voice. I widen my eyes in fear as i see all my friends, every single one of them. Caught and held down by logan's goons.

''Let them go. They arent a part of this.'' I growl. 

''Oh but they are! They're the reason i lost you. When i rejected you i felt so broken. Ever since you left the border i searched for you. I came for you. But you? You betrayed me. Left me for dead for this ugly as fuck alpha and his ugly as fuck pack. Look at him, diana. Look at them. All your friends, so helpless and frail. You must be wondering why they havent broken free yet. Look at the chains on their hands, darlings. Pure silver. The more they struggle. The closer they are to losing their hands. Some of them are half werewolves. Some of them are full. But as long as they have even a percent of a werewolf's essence. Silver does the job perfectly!'' His smirk never faltered as he continued.

''But as i am the kindest alpha here ofcourse i can offer you a better deal then before although you broke the current one because i want peace. Rather you come to me and ill let them go free or i kill them right where they are while my friends here hold you down. But there's a twist. Since you hurt me so much. You need to make up for it. Im presenting you 20 of my men. Fight them. Beat them. If you do. You will be worthy to be called the future queen of werewolves. You and i could rule side by side. No one could tell us what to do and i would love you and our children forever!'' 

All of them looked at me pleadingly not to do it. But i ignored their looks and nodded 

''I will fight your men as long as you let them go.'' They all started whimpering and shouting not to do it. 

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