All Alone

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I heard a gunshot and immediatly sat up fixing my torn jeans and blue top. My wolf screaming in my head to get out of there. But I was stuck in a trance to shook to wake myself up, i used all my energy and held the stone beside me and got up. I've been in this cave for too long i need to move before they find me.

My pack hasnt stopped hunting me ever since i vowed to get revenge, my wolf urged me to leave the pack territory but when we were children we were taught of the dangers that laid waste to the land and its habitants outside of our pack territory, i shivered just by thinking of what could happen to me if i decided to leave. That decision itself would break my heart more than it already has...

I heard footsteps and more gunshots laying waste to the trees that i once used to climb and sing on. They were coming closer and when i thought about my previous life that i had in this pack i was so close to giving up and letting myself die. I felt no emotions, i was tired of pain, I was tired of suffering, i was tired of every emotion that i felt, i felt the last sparkle of hope and joy in my eyes vanish. I thought of protecting my wolf which would be my job starting from this day forward.

''Dia'' my wolf spoke softly in my mind. ''You know we cant evade them forever, our mate is in that pack, he can track us down in a few minutes if we wanted to. This cat and mouse facade cant last all our lives so please just let me take control and get us out of this pack territory before we die'' she urged me once again.

I breathed deeply thinking of my current situation, my wolf is the only one who has loved me my entire life, my mate rejected me, my family abandoned me, my friends judged me and my seniors were disgusted by the sight of me. I was disgusted by myself..What could possibly be worse than my current state? After carefully thinking things through i decided to let my wolf take control.

I could feel her calm down and shift. My bones cracked and my skin changed to fur. I let my wolf take control of me and take me away from this life. My consciousness started fading away minute by minute, the last thing i heard was my wolf whining in anger before my brain shut down and my thoughts shut everything out.


I woke up slowly my mind still in a daze after all that running my body was exhausted.

i heard a voice in my head 

''I feel a calming scent nearby and its creeping closer''my wolf says.

''I thought you said if we left pack territory our mate wouldnt come after us!" I whispered to her.

''But thats exactly it he doesnt smell like our mate, he has a more calming scent''she whispered back to me.

'' Maya what are you trying to say..He!? And if its not our mate then who could it be?'' I thought carefully.

I suddenly smelt this wonderful scent. It smelled like fresh rain and wood. It smelled so good i couldnt help but get up from the tree i was lazing on and to look around..

But the smell suddenly vanished and i felt so alone again, my wolf started whining in pain and anger. Nobody was there..

I vowed to myself never to think about another man or my pack or to even start thinking about hope i am alone, i will train and fight to protect myself, i will not converse with another soul unless its of absolute importance. My wolf is the only one who i could care about.

I turned around and sat myself back onto the tree. It was rock hard and not comfortable to sleep on. The cold air was creeping in on me. I closed my eyes and sat there when a thought came up to me and maya 

We were all alone..


And thats chapter 1 for you guys :) How do you like it? Chapter 2 will be out tomorrow!

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