A New Friend

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I twisted and turned in the bed trying to go back to sleep but i kept feeling a sudden weight on top of me, i kept removing it but it kept coming back. I suddenly felt wet kisses on my neck.

I sighed in annoyance and turned around and opened my eyes to see Rowan staring down at me, i sighed and closed my eyes..


I opened my eyes again to confirm and there he was shirtless his abs sculpted perfectly his brown hair messy and his brown eyes staring into my soul.

''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YOU PERVERTED WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' I screamed and turned around and i ended up falling down on my bed. great you go girl . Way to embarass yourself . I just fell of my bed and called my supposed mate a pervert. A shirtless pervert. A hot shirtless pervert.

''Dont you mean a ''sculpted hot god pervert'' dia?'' Maya teased

''yes'' ''wait no!'' I said.

i kept on arguing with maya until somebody interrupted us 



I looked down at  my mate sleeping i put my arm around her as i was bored. She looked so adorable and cute i couldnt help but pepper her neck with soft kisses. She twisted and kept turning around as i kept annoying her.

I heard her sigh and she opened her eyes and looked at me. She then closed her eyes again. Suddenly she opened her eyelids again her eyes widening after taking a look at my abs and my face carefully she screamed


and she fell of the bed. I did my best to hide my smile while my wolf was suffocating himself with laughter 

''Oh my god! I love our mate so much! She just called you a perverted wolf!'' He said while laughing.

''Yes Zeus thank you. Pretty sure she was talking about you though'' 

''Nah it was you who she saw.''

''Yes but it was you who she meant we are one and the same after all'' 

''I didnt tell you to sleep shirtless and put her face on your ''abs'' did I?''

''Dont insult my abs''

I looked down to see if she was ok but i saw her in deep thoughts while she had such an adorable expression. It looks like her wolf is a lot like mine since they both love to tease and argue with us

''I hope a perverted wolf such as I arent disturbing you your highness?'' I asked her.

she quickly got up with a scared face and said ''No alpha i didnt mean that i was talking about your wolf'' she said.

Zeus grumbled in my head.

''Now he hates you'' I told her.

Zeus starts whining in my head ''hey! I didnt say that!" 

''Oh my god alpha im so sorry!''


(Diana Rey's POV)

wait why am i sorry!?

I didnt say anything wrong 

''Maya can you please convince your mate to forgive me so we can leave without causing unnecessary conflicts? I already have 1 pack as an enemy!'' I exclaimed in my head.

''Our mate's wolf can hear you you know?'' Maya replied

My eyes widened in shock and i looked up to see an shirtless enraged alpha standing infront of me

''You want to leave?'' 

''No alpha its not like that your a wonderful host and a great person by heart but i vowed to myself that i will always take care of myself and my wolf only. I wont rely on anyone. I even intended on staying emotionless for a long period of time but then you came into picture.''

''Maya anytime now'' I urged in my head.

''He can still hear you~'' She replied.

''And now your relying on your wolf to share this piece of information with me?''

alright i give up being nice time is over.

''Yes I am. I respect you. Im sure your a wonderful alpha but i've been through too many hardships in this world for you to barge into my world and claim me. I dont need a mate and dont want one either. I just want to leave. I thank you for your hospitality, but im leaving now after collecting my belongings from your pack members. Dare to send pack members after me and all that will come back is news of their death along with their dead bodies.'' I said.

His eyes darkened further as he stepped closer to me. Zeus had taken control.

''I dont give a shit if you want to leave, your staying here and you will be this pack's luna and my mate, thats whats expected of you so thats what you'll do.'' he said angrily.

I tried to leave but before i could he already had locked the door from outside and left aswell.

i heard a voice from outside

''Ariana go in and take care of her. If she tries to hurt you you have all rights to hold her down but dont hurt her. Help her clean up and explain the rules of the pack to her. I trust you already put all her clothes inside her wardrobe in the room?'' 

''I did alpha'' Ariana replied.

''good, once she's ready and you've told her everything call me''

after that i could feel footsteps moving away and the door knob twisted itself open.

The door opened and i saw a beautiful lady open the door her wavy brown hair and wood brown eyes definitely enhanced her beauty. she was wearing a sleeveless black tank top and mid length skirt. She looked gorgeous and im assuming her name was Ariana?

''Hi Diana! Im Ariana Greywood loyal beta of Moon Stone pack and your new friend!'' She chirped excitedly.

''I dont have any friends.''

''Well you have one now. And i dont allow my friends to look this sad and lonely. We gotta get you out of this room and let you socialize with the remaining pack''

''Cut the act. I know your doing this because its the alpha's wish. Otherwise you wouldnt even have looked at me. Im sorry but my list of fake friends is full so cut the act and go find something more useful to do for example! Convince your alpha to reject me.'' I said in a sweet fake voice.

Her eyes softened after she heard what i said. Then her face came back to normal and she spoke

''I admit the alpha sent me here to get you ready.But even if we hadn't and circumstances were different and you werent the alpha's mate i would still have helped and so would alpha rowan. You might have seen all the truths about the world. But their are good people out here believe it or not. You just need to look carefully. We dont have any fake friends here. And you are our soon to be luna. So instead of crying and whining here maybe you can help save lives of people who are living lives like yours but werent brave enough to make it right?'' She explained.

She spoke the truth. I am the mate of the alpha of Moon Stone Pack. And i understand other people here have also suffered. But i can see all the happy looks on their faces and tell that maybe this pack isnt as bad as the last one. My hope might be gone but i shouldnt let others hopes vanish so soon

''Finally someone woke you up and made you see reason! My Dia is back.'' Maya exclaimed.

''yea yea. But im still not accepting this rowan guy too soon. He needs to prove himself'' 

''Fair enough''

''Alright now that your done talking to your wolf why dont we get up and ready?'' Ariana says as she lends a hand to me.

I hold it and she pulls me up.

''lets get you into queen mode''

''You know what. Let's do it'' I said.

For the first i might have hopes of finding a new friend..


Chapter 5 completed!

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