I expertly dodged the attack. I grabbed the thing nearest me and wasn't surprised to learn that I got hold of my attacker's arm. I felt his breath as he leaned to me, "I'm Akuma and I'm here to bring you to hell!"

"Fuck off!" My eyes accustomed to the dark, I punched him straight in the face. But he endured the pain and attempted to slice me with a kunai using his other hand. We distanced ourselves from one another. We looked at each and when I knew the time was right, I threw my kunai away. He got distracted and I used the time to run to the stairway and get to the next floor. I just needed to get past them, right? Not actually defeat them. All I wanted to do was save Chifuyu.

As soon as I set foot on the second floor, I was welcomed with a rain of shuriken. I twisted my body and dodged the flying weapons. One grazed my cheek and blood flowed from it. I shouldn't focus on attacking, I reminded myself. It was alright. Just keep on going. But my opponents wouldn't let me through. I, now, had three opponents on this floor: Akuma, Scythe, and the other death reaper I didn't know yet.

One of them kicked my shin as the other tried to stab my chest. Fuck, they were actually trying to kill me. I held onto the hand that tried to stab me and pulled him closer to me as I stabbed his stomach with my own kunai.

"Morte!" I heard Akuma shout the reaper's alias as Morte cradled his wound. Enraged, Akuma punched my gut and wounded my arm with his kunai. I think he was aiming for my throat but missed as I was able to dodge.

Shit, this was hell. A full five minutes passed and the four of us were still fighting. Only a couple of minutes more and Chifuyu would die! I couldn't let that happen!

I spat the blood in my mouth. I already have a couple of ribs broken. My nose was broken too. And I had a dozen cuts and wounds all over me. I've never been this injured in a fight before. I looked at my opponents, they were injured, too. But not as much as I was.


Time for Plan B.

I had no choice.

I stood straight and then got into a fighting stance. The other reapers regrouped and did the same. And then, I surprised them by throwing a fucking grenade in their direction. I ran as fast as I could toward the stairway and flew a bit as the grenade exploded. I hurried to the next floor and expected Karasu waiting there. But he wasn't. I climbed the other set of stairs located at the corner and entered the dusty attic.

Compared to the rest of the mansion, light streamed through the attic's windows. In its middle was the unconscious Chifuyu, still bound to the wooden chair.

"Chifuyu!" Instantly, I was by his side.

I heard a series of claps and realized they were from Karasu. "Bravo! Bravo! I knew you'd make it."

"Karasu, I won your stupid game. Now untie Chifuyu and leave him be!"

"Uh uh. I forgot to tell you, this game only ends with death."

Fuck this fucking bastard! I walked toward him with my kunai but he held a remote between us.


"You and I," he teased, "we think the same. What, was that your Plan B, too?"


An explosive!

I went behind Chifuyu and saw that he was tied with a time bomb and the time left before it explodes was less than two minutes!


This couldn't be happening!

I-I needed to save him!


I cut the ropes tying Chifuyu but the rest of his binds were from the bomb itself. If I cut the wrong wire it would explode and Chifuyu would die.

"Karasu! I'll fucking kill you!"

But the fucker just smiled. "You know I'm not the one you should kill."

Less than a minute.

I stared at the wires.

30 seconds...

My heart seemed about to leap from my mouth. I cried. Loud.

20 seconds...

I was out of breath.

I remembered the day Chifuyu confessed to me, his charm, his warmth, his smile, the way he held my hand...


10 seconds...

It was useless.

There was nothing more that I could do.

5 seconds...

I embraced Chifuyu tightly in my arms and then finally decided to say to Karasu, "Fine! I get it. I'll die."

Assassin Falls in Love (Chifuyu Matsuno x OC) [Tokyo Revengers]Where stories live. Discover now