He did, technically, by bringing up something far worse.

"Her and Coriolanus are going to be working under Dr. Gaul to discuss new game strategies," Sejanus announced, distain in his voice.

Her head snapped in Sejanus's direction, eyes widening.

...Why would he tell them that?

"You are?" Mrs. Plinth gasped. "Oh my goodness, Liville. That's wonderful. More than wonderful, Dr. Gaul humoring students is unheard of."

"Volumnia Gaul is one of the biggest names in the Capitol," Strabo told her. "Most people can hardly get in touch with her. You're working under her?"

"What kind of position is it?" Mrs Plinth asked, with obvious excitement. "How did this happen?"

She hesitated, "It wasn't-I wasn't the one who caught her attention. Not really. Coriolanus had some ideas. Some suggestions. He told her some of mine too. We're not working under her exactly, we're just presenting some written proposals."

"But still, she was interested in your ideas?" Strabo asked. "My, what an honor to work for her-"

"An honor?" Sejanus interrupted. "How is that an honor? Dr. Gaul is a sociopath."

"And you are a killjoy," Strabo snapped at him. "Why must you behave like this? Can't you be happy for her?"

"Why would I be happy about this?"

In all her years of being taught to bite her tongue, Liville suddenly felt it impossible. Because his words angered her in a way he never had before. She let out a sharp breath. "Because anyone else would be, Sejanus."

Her tone came out sharper than she meant for it to. Colder even.

She refused to look at him, but she could still see how quickly his body tensed from the corner of her eye.

She let out a quicker, "Any other person would be proud of me."

Sejanus fell silent.

"We are all very proud," Mrs. Plinth told her. "Don't mind him-"

"Of course I'm proud, Liville," Sejanus suddenly spoke up, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I know how powerful Dr. Gaul is. I know how restricted her laboratory is-"

"Then why are you the only one who doesn't like my ideas?" she blurted out before she could stop herself.  She was embarrassed by how sad she sounded.

Sejanus paused. He looked at both his parents, and it was clear he was uncomfortable arguing in front of them. "...It's not that I dislike them, Liville."

She swallowed her hurt. "You could've fooled me."

A long stretch of complete silence.

"...Alright," Mrs. Plinth finally said, clearing her throat after an awkward pause in conversation. "You two should be getting off to school soon. I'll call the driver."

But Sejanus told his mother, "Liville and I will walk."

She didn't want to walk. But she didn't argue with his decision. She felt like she didn't even have the power to at this point.

Before leaving, she pulled on her regular coat. And then she got angry, recalling the fact Coriolanus forgot to give her expensive one back to her. Now she was stressed about it getting damaged, or of Mrs. Plinth noticing it was gone.

Damn Coriolanus.

Why would he say her name in class? Why would he force this all on her?

Why would he force her to work on the most important assignment of her life, and then degrade her and make her feel like she wasn't worthy of it?

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