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a/n: okay so I don't have an official official faceclaim yet for Liville (almost thought of Inde Navarrete) BUT YALL LOOK AT THIS FRICKIN AMAZING EDIT SilverRose98 MADE FOR THIS STORY ITS SO GOOD IT LITERALLY GETS ME PUMPED FOR MY OWN STORY


part two
the hunger games

Liville was in trouble. So much trouble that she was scared the Plinth's were going to call her mother.

She thought she had been in the clear, she thought her companion on the way home would go unnoticed.

But he didn't.

When she first got back to Sejanus's house that day, it had been at a bad time.

His parents were in the living room, and they were arguing.

Mrs. Plinth's voice reached her first.

"You think this will help him?" the women snapped with an icy tone. "This is going to destroy him. He will hate us-"

"Something has to happen," Mr. Plinth insisted. "You hear how he defends them. As though he's one of them. If we don't do something, how will he ever learn that he isn't?"

"But Marcus?" Mrs. Plinth whispered with haste. "He was his classmate."

"He needs to see that they're beneath us-"

Liville knew this wasn't something she was supposed to be hearing. So she made sure to shut the door loudly, letting them know she was home. She even let out a, "Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Plinth," to assure she hadn't meant to eavesdrop. Their voices became hushed.

"Sejanus is at school for tutoring," she called out to them. "I will be upstairs." Her voice came out more anxious than she meant for it to.

"Very well, dear," was all Mrs. Plinth said back. Their shouts turned into unrecognizable whispers.

Liville went upstairs, and tried to convince herself everything was normal. Despite the fact she couldn't stay still.

She'd gotten dressed into her nicer clothes, even went as far as coloring her cheeks and lips rouge. Sejanus had told her he'd take her out tonight, and she'd prepared herself for him.

Prepared herself with hands still shaking from her alleyway encounter.

Her face was still naturally flushed. Her mind was still half way gone.

Half of her was preparing for Sejanus to arrive.

...But the other half hadn't let Coriolanus leave her mind.


The color of his blue eyes seemed to be burned into her memory. They might as well have been burned into her eyelids, because every time she closed her eyes she'd see him. His eyes, his face, his hair.

His lips.

Because when he'd drawn so close to her that their chests brushed against each other, so close that their foreheads nearly touched, his shadow darkened everything but those lips of his. And they were all she could see for a moment, all she could focus on.

And it felt as though he was the only person in the world to exist.

When he touched her hip, rested his hand flat on it, and when he'd placed his other hand on the back of her hair, it felt like everyone else had left the world. Including her.

She must've vanished for a moment, because there were a few seconds she swore she couldn't feel her own body.

She had only been able to feel him.

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