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part one

the academy

Sejanus was always such a kind, sensitive boy. Her mother always used to say that out of all the boys in the world, Liville should be grateful he was the one she was betrothed to. It was the one shred of luck she had in life. He would be loyal to her. He'd take care of her. There would be no violence or cruelty towards Liville once they were married.

She recalled when her and Sejanus played together as children, his sensitivity brought him empathy. And the last time she saw him, she was so certain he was the sweetest boy she'd ever met. But she hadn't seen him in person since he was fourteen. Every boy was sweet at fourteen.

Sejanus was eighteen now, one year her senior. And as far as Liville knew, all boys grew out of kindness by that age. All her older brothers had. She was nervous to see what changes had happened to Sejanus in the last four years.

Well, she'd see soon enough.

The train she sat on was nearing the station. Sejanus would be waiting for her. Glancing around the train car at all the well dressed people, looking at all the older couples, she wondered how many of these marriages were the results of betrothals.

It was a common thing in the past, when the capitol was first founded. So common that most capitol children had at least one set of grandparents that had been betrothed since a young age. It cemented families and businesses together, just as her family and the Plinth family would also merge once her marriage happened. Their fortunes would both double, and neither family would ever have to worry about poverty ever again.

Since she was a little girl, Liville was always praised for her betrothal, being told she was a key part of ensuring the wealth of future Wanless generations. A trailblazer, her parents had called her. But suddenly, she only felt like a little girl. One who was scared to come face to face with a boy.

She took in a slow breath to relax, nervous already.

Her sisters had gone through this and come out fine, she'd remind herself.

All three of her older sisters already married their betrothed, and her two younger sisters were already being courted by their future spouses.

Liville knew she was the only one that was having such trouble calming herself down. None of her family ever acted this anxious. She'd just always been particularly...apprehensive.

The train slowed as they entered the station. Her eyes flickered around the people outside. She bit her nail as the train came to a complete halt and people began exiting.

She stayed in her seat a moment, only forcing herself up when an older gentlemen stopped and gestured for her to go in front of him, obviously assuming she was still seated because of the traffic getting out.

She clutched her small bag, and walked herself off the train. Her heels, which her mother insisted she wore to this reunion, clicked as she stepped onto the platform.

Liville's eyes scanned the crowd again. Though she'd seen many recent photos of him, she was scared she wouldn't recognize him.

But the hair helped. His curly hair caught her eye. She held her breath as she realized he picked her out of the crowd at the same moment.

Sejanus broke a large smile, hurrying forward. "Liv!" he greeted, excitedly. He stuck a hand out, taking her bag with a polite, "Let me help, let me help."

She studied him, every aspect of his face.

He looked so lively. So happy.

Sejanus stepped forward, like he was planning on hugging her, but changed his mind at the last moment and simply gave her a fair handshake. "How was the trip? Are you tired? Did my father get you a private room on the train car?" He kept shaking her hand as he spoke, only stopping when he realized their hands had gone up and down a good ten times.

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