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It was colder the next morning. Mrs. Plinth insisted Sejanus and Liville have the driver take them to school. The two teenagers were dropped off right in front of the Academy.

The car was warmed with hot air and heated seats. Liville saw snow beginning to fall outside, but she never felt an ounce of coldness. Not even as she got out of the car, and Sejanus guided her up the academy steps. Mrs. Plinth bought her an expensive coat that was lined with fur, with matching fur gloves, making it impossible for her to shiver.

"I'll meet you inside," Sejanus said to Liville, holding open the door for her.

She frowned, pausing in the doorway. "You want to stay out here?"

"I'm going to wait for Clemensia," he explained.

"Sejanus, don't be ridiculous, you'll freeze out here," she told him. "You can wait in the hallway. I'll wait with you."

"I...would rather wait outside," he slowly admitted.

Liville felt uneasy, wondering if Sejanus was upset at her because of what happened with Coriolanus the night before. He didn't sound angry, but maybe he was hiding it. She bit her lip, still in the doorway, too nervous to leave him alone.

"I'll just be a few minutes," he told her, seeing her hesitancy.

She was quiet for just a moment more, before eventually nodding and letting out a soft, "Okay." She touched his arm softly before leaving.

Sejanus smiled at her, but once the door closed, his smile fell. Not out of vindictiveness, but because he had no real energy to keep it.

He was cold as he stood at the bottom of the steps, just as Liville said he would be. But still, he waited. Only, he wasn't actually waiting for Clemensia.

He was waiting for Coriolanus.

Sejanus fumbled with his hands nervously as he watched the sidewalk. Finally, he saw his friend walking up. The blonde hair stuck out, even in the white snowy weather.

"Coryo," Sejanus called out, meeting him before he reached the steps. "Could I have a word with you?"

Coriolanus was startled. He hadn't been looking ahead of him, he'd been watching the ground to make sure he didn't slip on ice in his oversized snow shoes. He let out a confused, "What?"

Coriolanus attempted to walk further, but Sejanus stepped in front of him. "Just a word," Sejanus said again.

Coriolanus stopped where he was, frowning now. He didn't want to have any words with Sejanus out here. It was freezing out. His jacket was two sizes too small, it didn't button all the way and it was uncomfortably tight on his arms. He wanted to get inside where it was warm, but Sejanus seemed so adamant. Coriolanus eventually let out an impatient, "Something the matter?"

"No, no," Sejanus said quickly. "I just..." He paused, glancing around to make sure no classmates were near. He lowered his voice. "I just wanted to ask you something. About-About Liv."

Coriolanus had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. The jealousy and insecurity in Sejanus's expression stuck out. The Plinth boy was so sensitive, all his emotions were worn on his sleeve. "What about her?" Coriolanus asked, plainly.

Sejanus swallowed, his nervousness unhideable. "I wanted to ask...What does she like to talk about? When you're with her?"

Coriolanus replied with a bland, "The assignment."

"Yes, but she's...a talker." Anyone with ears knew that. "What else does she seem interested in?"

"I don't let unnecessary conversations build up," Coriolanus told him. "So we don't often small talk."

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