The rest of his teammates could only watch on with amusement.


After Naruto's rather embarrassing failure at picking weeds, Team 7 moved onto their next mission-cleaning out a stream on the outskirts of the Village. They each had bucket strapped to their backs like backpacks, litter pickers in their hands as they individually picked up trash and threw it into their buckets. Kakashi sat leisurely under a tree reading his odd-looking book.

Naruto, this time, didn't attempt to outdo Sasuke as he diligently collected the trash. As he walked forward, he felt the current sweep him off his feet and land him on his back, pushing him downstream to the end of the river, the waterfall. All his trash he had collected fell back into the water.

His teammates snapped there heads towards him at the loud splash of water, seeing him wave out to them for help as he was pushed further down the river.

He neared the waterfall's edge, slipping off it and falling down it. "No way! Free fall!"

He carried on screaming, until he realised he wasn't falling, and that Sasuke, being held up by a long ninja wire attached to the tree, held him by his leg.

"You idiot," he muttered at Naruto.


Team 7 were now onto their third and final mission of the day—walking a few dogs from an animal rescue centre. Sakura, Riki and Sasuke both held small dogs on thin leashes, walking around to give the dogs a form of exercise. But Naruto, wanting to stand out, had picked the largest and most fiercest dog.

The dog practically dragged Naruto, the thin leash Nauto had on the og useless as the dog dragged him into the danger zone with electrical traps.

"No doggy, don't go there. Don't go there I say!" Naruto shouted at the dog. In a short second, Naruto could be heard screaming and crying out in pain.

Back with his other teammates, they stared at Naruto leaving the gates of the electrical traps and fence with smoke all over him and his hair all over the place.

"That idiot," Sasuke mumbled.

"All because he chose that big dog," Sakura commented, looking down at her own.

"I feel kinda bad for him," Riki mumbled.

"Don't," Sasuke said.


"Look at you Naruto, your hair's all messed up!" Sakura commented as Team 7 walked through Konoha. Sasuke and Sakura were helping Naruto walk since he had gotten electrocuted. His blonde hair was covered in smoke.

"You're so much trouble," Sasuke said.

Naruto pushed Sasuke and Sakura off him. "Zazuge!" he shouted angrily.

Sakura stopped him. "If you act up anymore, I'll finish you."

"That's a bit harsh, Sakura," Riki muttered watching her teammates.

"Teamwork hasn't been good lately," Kakashi said, sighing.

"That's right!" Naruto said. "You're the one to blame for our bad teamwork, Sasuke! You're always attracting attention!"

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