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Anger flashed across Dylan's face. I remained hidden, hoping to avoid his wrath.

"I'm going to get you for this, you b****," he threatened as his voice echoed.

Ashley took Freddy, probably to the school clinic. She glanced in my direction. "I know you're there, Hadi," she said.

I emerged cautiously. "Oh," I murmured, feeling exposed.

After class, we headed to the cafeteria. Ethan approached our table where Ashley, Ava, Capri, and I were seated.

"Hey, everyone," he greeted.

"Hi," everyone chimed except me.

I was terrified of Rose.

"Ash, are you playing for the boys' football team tomorrow?" Ethan asked.

"The boys' football team? Are you sure about that?" I questioned innocently.

"Ashley here is a sensation in the football world. At the age of fifteen, she's already been scouted by Chelsea, so she plays for the boys' team occasionally," Ethan.

"Wow, that's impressive," I said, genuinely amazed.

Ashley, however, seemed preoccupied. "Thanks for the compliment, but I'm really not in the mood right now," she replied.

"Okay, I'll get your answer later," Ethan said before walking off.

I had secretly hoped he would ask me if I was going to his concert. Thankfully, he didn't.

"You seem a bit down today," I observed.

"It's nothing for you to worry about," Ashley dismissed.

"Okay," I said, deciding not to pry.

"It's my mom," she began.

"Your mom causing your bad mood? That sounds absurd," I remarked.

"Try having a mom like mine," both Ava and Ashley said simultaneously.

"Is this some kind of planned thing?" I asked.

"Believe me, it's not," Ava assured.

"Ever since my dad died, all she cares about is her business, making it stronger and bigger. She hopes I'll take over someday. I'm just tired. Even my eight-year-old brother, Ashton, doesn't know what it's like to have a loving mother because she's never home," Ashley confided.

"Even when I got my first period, my own mother wasn't there. Can you believe that?" she continued.

"Oh, I understand now," I said, trying to empathize.

"You don't have to be sorry; it's my life," Ashley said.

"We should head to class," Capri suggested.

We made our way to Geography class with Mr. Graham. Michael ended up sitting next to me again.

Why did I always end up next to this guy? Things had been awkward between us since our last encounter. Not that it meant anything to me, of course. But it was still weird how we always ended up in close proximity.

Flashback :

Immediately the snow fell.

It felt like only his cologne was in my midst, it smelt so manly and haram.

This feeling was weird, like really, really, really weird, but I had to brush off the feeling.

I would never break the rules of my religion because of a boy never.

"Are you OK," he asked, as I was still in his arms.

"I'm fine thanks," I said, getting away from him and still feeling chilly.

"Here is your jacket keep it," I said, getting it off me.

"Don't be stubborn, just have it and you will return it tomorrow at school, OK," he persuaded.

I had no other option than to take it cause I didn't have time to argue because of my mum.

"Fine, thank you," I said, grabbing the jacket and smoothening my hijab.

I only do this when I'm nervous or in an awkward situation.

Adunni keep you head in the game what is wrong with you.

I told myself.

I left and home I headed.

But trust me I knew he kept his eyes on me.

Those green eyes that every girl in Kings and Queens Academy want.

They were on me, the hijabi.

End of flashback.

I jerked my head hoping to get my brain back in class the real reason I was here not because of some boy who has a tattoo.

Mr Graham stared drawing some geographical whatever on the board, but I still need to take some notes even if I wasn't interested.

"Oops," I said as I made a mistake on the drawing.

I started rummaging through my bag looking for my eraser.

Turns out I forgot it. Silly me.

"I forgot my eraser," I mumbled to myself.

"Here, you can have mine," Michael offered.

"Thanks," I said, feeling our fingers brush against each other. Damn it.

I focused on the board, but I could feel his eyes on me throughout the class.

What is it with this guy, he such a freaking harami (a doer of forbidden act in Islam).

Turn out that he is actually a big brain, answered all the questions he was asked without stammering or stumbling.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, I heard sighs of relief from my classmates.

"Practice starts by four sharp, I hate tardiness," he said like he owned me.

"You do know you are not my dad right," I asked him.

"I know, but at this point, I'm your boss," he said.

"Have you ever heard about being nice, it's a good attribute if you could try it," I said.

"Thanks for the advice, but no thank you," he said.

"You know what just forget it," I said.

"I have a class bye," he said.

"Jerk face," I said.

"I heard that," he said.

Good thing you have ears," I said. But mummbled the last part to myself.

Hmmmmmm, I let out a sigh.

Resting my head against my locker, I hoped to give my brain a break.

Then, Miss Melissa entered the class with four students, two boys, and two girls.

"Wow, look how handsome he is," someone whispered.

"She's the best dancer on TikTok," another voice exclaimed.

"I can't believe they're at our school," someone else said.

"I need an autograph," another person chimed in.

As I looked closer, I recognized one of them-it was Julian.

Wassup ma people.
Ramadan Kareem.
Hope you have a great Ramadan.
What are you planning to do this Ramadan.
Mine is to finish more than half of the Quran (Holy Book). And my laatul Qadr should be filled with Barkah (Blessings).
Salaam (peace).

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