Start from the beginning

My grandmother, the woman who despised me for resembling my mother, drove a wedge between us.

"You should have at least called me once, Avery. I went to an all-girls school; I never had a brother figure," I said, sniffing back tears.

"I'm sorry, and I promise to make up for everything you missed while you were away. I promise to be the big brother you missed. By the grace of Almighty Allah, I'll make it right," he said.

"You promise," I asked as my voice cracked.

"I promise," he said.

"Fine, I forgive you and I give you another chance to correct your mistakes," I said.

"Wouldn't lose it for the world," he said.

"Look at you, talking like a big old sheikh," I said, chuckling.

"Come here," he said, pulling me into the brotherly hug I desperately needed.


I needed to get my binders from my locker. As I approached, the noise became unavoidable.

"F***er, I wonder if you're even a man down there. Poor idiot can't even see with two eyes, the doctors had to add two more " Dylan taunted.

Dylan had everything I wanted in someone I didn't want anymore: a bully, a racist, and he particularly targeted me because of my hijab. Today, his victim was Freddy, held by Ryan so Dylan could torment him.

Freddy groaned in pain as Dylan hit him repeatedly in the stomach. I wanted to help, but I cowered in fear. Allah, forgive my cowardice.

Suddenly, Ashley intervened. "Let him go, you f***er," she demanded.

Dylan smirked. "Stay back, princess," he ordered.

Ashley didn't budge. "Make me, you jerk," she retorted.

"Why would such a beautiful damsel stoop so low for this loser?" Dylan mocked.

"If he's a loser, how come it took your own mom nine months to make a freaking joke?" Ashley shot back.

Dylan was visibly affected. I would've cried on the spot if I were in his shoes.

"Don't talk about people's moms like that," Ryan warned, stepping forward.

Dylan motioned him to stop. "I'll take any crap from anyone, but don't you dare talk about my mom like that," he warned.

"If your mom meant so much to you, maybe you wouldn't treat girls like disposable items, defiling them," Ashley accused.

"I don't force them," Dylan defended.

"But you still do it," Ashley countered.

Ashley helped Freddy up.

Hoping to get to the clinic I think.

Who would have thought that Dylan would keep shut. I thought sarcastically.

"Run along you coward, you think your pretty girlfriend will be here to protect you, you are wrong, the day you become a man maybe I'll Leave you alone," Dylan said.

"You know what you are, Dylan? You're a despicable excuse for a human being, a vile stain on the fabric of humanity. You thrive on the pain of others, relishing in your attempts to assert dominance over the weaker ones. But let me tell you something: your reign of terror ends now. Your days of tormenting others are numbered, and justice will catch up to you sooner or later. So enjoy your hollow victories while they last, because karma is a relentless force, and it's coming for you with a vengeance," she declared.

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