The Smell of Enchanted Blood and Her Lord - 8

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As the man who had been scratched assaulted the woman in front of him, a frightened crowd formed around the two people.

"W-what's this?" The townsfolk muttered.

"What's going on?"

"Is that blood?"

The man let out an inhuman growl and he reared his head up. The woman he was assaulting screamed.

"Stop it!" Nezuko cried out, charging forward.

She held her arms out and tackled the man away from the woman. She quickly tore off a piece of fabric from her haori and wrapped her fist into it. She shoved her cloth-wrapped fist into the man's mouth in any hope that he would stop.

"Dear!" The woman cried out, reaching out for the man who Nezuko assumed to be her husband.

"Ma'am! You need to worry about yourself!" Nezuko exclaimed, "Please take a cloth and press down hard on the wound!"

The man growled under her and struggled in her grip, trying to claw at her with his clawed fingers. Nezuko held him down in place the best she could as the man struggled.

It was going to be okay. Somehow. But it'll be okay. The woman's wound wasn't fatal. She wouldn't die, that's for sure. Nezuko glanced up, two men were helping the woman. She didn't look too good.

"Press down harder!" Nezuko told them, "Press down harder! Tie it up with a rope if you have to!"

The man reared his head up in frustration and kept trying to growl past Nezuko's fist. He thrashed strongly in her grip. Nezuko strained to keep him still.

This man hadn't killed anyone yet, everything is okay. She hoped so, at least. But, he was just walking down the streets a moment ago, what had made this happen? It couldn't have been... could it?

The boy that Kaguya held in his arms began to sob in fear. He rubbed his eyes and cried out, burying his head into his "father's" shoulder.

"Are you all right, Kiriya?" Kaguya reassured, lightly rubbing the child's shoulder, "You mustn't look."

He looked over to the woman who took her place as his wife.

"It's dangerous here, Amane," Kaguya said with a hint of concern in his voice, "Let's move over there."

The woman nodded and they began to walk away, much to Nezuko's dismay. She wondered as to where they could be going, which enraged her even more.

She murmured profanities that Tanjiro would backhand her for if he heard them to herself, trying to keep the demonised man on the ground so he wouldn't harm another person. She couldn't just leave this person here. She had to do something.

"Kaguya Ubuyashiki!" Nezuko screamed at him, Kaguya not even flinching at her words as if his name had not been called out, "I'm not letting you run away like a coward! No matter where you go!"

"What's the matter with that girl?" The woman, otherwise known as Amane, whispered to Kaguya with concern, "Is she talking about you, Kaname?"

"No matter where you go, you're never getting away while I'm still alive!" Nezuko continued her verbal assault, "I'll follow you to the ends of Hell, and I swear I'll slice off your head with my own blade! I will never forgive you, no matter what!"

As she screamed, multiple policemen were called to the scene. But Nezuko didn't care who these people were. She was probably a higher position than them anyways, not that they would even listen to her. The Demon Slayer Corps was unknown to the government anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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