Koyuki - 3

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Nezuko stretched her arms as she finished her entry in a journal she had started keeping. She flexed her hands and turned around, only to see Tanjiro still asleep. He'd been asleep for a while now, it started to make Nezuko a little concerned. But he was a demon, he was tough. Hopefully he'd wake up soon.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Urokodaki, her sensei, calling her. She exited her room and found Urokodaki inside the main room. He led her outside into the crisp night air.

As they walked, Urokodaki spoke, "The Demon Slayer Corps has several hundred members. The organisation is unknown by the government. Yet, it has existed since ancient times. But as to who's leading the Corps, that remains a mystery."

Nezuko nodded along to his words as they walked to the training grounds.

"Demons. Staple food: humans. They kill humans and feed on them," Urokodaki continued, "Nobody knows when they first appeared. Their physical prowess is remarkable, wounds healing in the blink of an eye. Some can shapeshift, others have otherworldly powers.

"They can only be killed my sunlight or by decapitation with a special sword. Us Demon Slayers battle demons with our own mortal bodies. Even if we can't regenerate limbs and our wounds are slow to heal, we kill the demons to protect other helpless humans."

Finally, they reached the training grounds and Urokodaki stopped. He folded his arms behind his back as he continued his lecture.

"I am a trainer. I train swordsmen. There are many trainers out there, and each of them train their pupils with their own styles and locations," He explained, "To join the Demon Slayer Corps, you must survive the Final Selection that is held on Mount Fujikasane. Whether you can attend or not is up to me."

On the mountain, Nezuko continued her training. She started to descend the mountain with an even shorter time limit of an hour. She gasped when she triggered a tripwire.

Starting today, I'm going to keep a journal for Tanjiro. I'm descending the mountain again today. I'm going to train my hardest so I won't die during Final Selection.

Nezuko narrowly dodged a log that swung towards her. She swore that she could hear it whizz past her. She shook off her feeling of dismay and stayed focused, leaping over another tripwire.

After constantly descending the mountain day after day, I'm able to detect and avoid most of the traps. It must be because I'm a lot stronger now, and because I'm able to detect scents a lot easier than before. Even so...

"Ack--!" Nezuko gasped when she had triggered a trap. Several short swords flew towards her. She ducked below them and they planted themselves in the tree bark above her, "That was a close one...!"

...the traps are getting a lot more difficult. He may really want me dead!

The next day, Nezuko descended the mountain once again. This time, however, she held a heavy sword in her hands. The sword hindered her movement and she stumbled a lot more. She had almost fallen on the sword's blade, she was barely inches away from impaling herself but thankfully caught herself before the situation could escalate.

I made my descent today, sword in hand, but that sword really limited my movements.

Nezuko shrieked when she was unexpectedly caught in a trap, a rope catching her foot and tossing her into the air carelessly. She always felt like she was going to die when she got caught into traps like this.

With the sword, I couldn't stop getting caught in the traps!

Now, Nezuko was practicing her swinging with a katana. 

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Roleswap (Remastered)Where stories live. Discover now