Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki - 2

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On a rather large patch of farmland that Nezuko had come across while looking for a more efficient way to travel during the day with Tanjiro, she approached a farmer. 

"Excuse me, sir," Nezuko gathered his attention, pointing to some materials she saw, then she said, "would it be all right if I took that basket, straw, and some bamboo?"

"Sure, you're welcome to it. But, I'm unsure of what you'd want a basket full of holes for," The farmer replied.

Nezuko said, "I have my reasons. Here, let me pay you."

Nezuko reached for her wallet, but the farmer stopped her with a wave of his hand. 

"No, no. It's fine," The farmer reassured, "You can even have the bamboo and straw for free, too."

"Please, let me pay you!"

"I said that it's fine! You're a pretty stubborn girl."

Nezuko whipped out her wallet quickly, looking through it to grab money. After a few seconds, she pulled out some coins and slapped them into the farmer's hand harshly. He let out a small wince as Nezuko bowed deeply

"Please accept this, even if it is just simple change!" Nezuko begged, her head still hung low in the bow.

She raced over to the materials she asked for: a basket with holes in it, straw, and bamboo. She had a plan with these items, believe it or not. Once she heaved the basket with the materials inside over her shoulders, she called out to the farmer again.

"Thank you so much!" Nezuko thanked him, "I promise that these items with be put to good use!"

She gave the man a friendly wave and scurried off. The farmer watched her run off from afar, looking down at his stinging palm and then back up at Nezuko.

Nezuko clomped through the snow, the basket filled with materials making her steps feel heavier than usual. Her thoughts were all over the place. Well, they were mostly about her recently demon-turned brother, Tanjiro, but still everywhere at once. 

They resided in a cave for the day since Tanjiro couldn't be in the sun due to what that Akaza man said. Frankly, Nezuko didn't believe it that much, but she wasn't going to expose Tanjiro to the sun if he didn't want to. She would never force him to do anything he didn't want to.

Finally, she reached the cave her and Tanjiro resided in for the time being. She crawled in the cave and softly called Tanjiro's name. No answer. She tried again. Still nothing. Something inside Nezuko made her panic. What if he ran away? 

After almost being given a heart attack, Tanjiro poked his head out of a large hole in the ground. Nezuko was confused. Tanjiro wore a frown on his face that didn't look so familiar anymore. That saddened Nezuko greatly. 

"Onii-chan..." Nezuko sighed. He had dug a hole, she concluded, he had practically turned into a mole. He was even frowning! That was a rare expression for Tanjiro. She guessed that he didn't want to see the sun.

"Actually, wait for just a second, okay?"

Nezuko turned to the materials she had bought (forcefully bought, but still bought nonetheless) from that farmer earlier. Kneading the straw and bamboo through the holes of the basket, the basket looked brand new once she was done with it. All of those basket weaving lessons from her mother really paid off, didn't they?

She presented her work to Tanjiro.

"Do you think that you could fit inside this basket?" She asked, patting the sides of the basket to emphasise it further, "I want to keep moving during the day, too. I can carry you."

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