Chapter 17 (Faina): Safe

Start from the beginning

"The doctor needs to check you, Faina." Papa's voice again, low and urgent. "We don't know what happened yet but it was not good."

I could read between the lines given all the blood. Not good meant very, very bad.

With every last bit of strength I had, I lifted my hand to Alaric's chest. "Please, Alaric."

His heart was beating wildly, no surprise since the Hunger was front and center, but his hand moved from my face to cover my hand on his chest. His head bent to mine, his hair falling forward to shield us from the others and he inhaled deeply several times, as if he could absorb me into his body, then he shuddered and shook for a minute.

"Faina," he said softly into my ear, and it was Alaric's voice for the most part, deep and smooth, but with just a hint of roughness. The Hunger was fading back. Pressing a kiss to my temple, he lifted his head slightly. "We almost weren't in time. We almost lost you."

"What happened?"

"Let's get you checked out and then we can talk once we know you and the babies are OK."

He looked over at Papa. "Gervais, another room. Not in here."

Why? What had happened in here?

"Close your eyes, Faina," Alaric demanded. "I'm going to carry you out of here, and I want your eyes closed until we get to another bedroom. Don't open them until I tell you, for your sake and the babies'."

Knowing the sooner we got moved, the sooner I could be checked over and the sooner I could find out exactly what had happened, I closed my eyes tight.

I nodded, and then I felt Alaric get off the bed and walk until he was placing me on another bed.

"I want her changed," Alaric demanded. "And I want washcloths for both of us."

"I'll get her a nightie," my mother said. "Aullana, wet some washcloths and bring towels.

"Keep your eyes closed," he said to me when I tried to open them. "Just another few minutes, my heart. Please wait."

"Here," Aullana said, and I felt a warm wash cloth touch my face.

"I'll do that," Alaric said harshly. Then, in a gentler tone, "I need to do it. Nobody else can touch her right now. It's still on edge."

Then the wash cloth was reapplied to my face, Alaric tenderly washing it for me, moving down my neck so carefully and gently, to my breasts.

"Another one, please."

Again, he moved from my face to my neck to my breasts. He patted me dry with a soft towel. Then he ripped my nightie off me, helped me sit up and slid another nightie over my head to cover me. 

"Almost done, Faina. Let me wash up."

I heard some movements, some metallic clinking from the hallway as I reclined on the pillows.

"You can open your eyes, now."

I did, and Alaric was crouched right beside me, shirtless, shackle- and chain-free, and at the far side of the room stood Maman, Papa, Aullana and two of my doctors.

Alaric pointed at the male doctor. "You examine her. I can't have a female touch her at this point. Move slowly and tell me what you're going to do before you do it. You do not want to make any unexpected movements right now."

The doctor nodded at that and began to carefully describe what he was doing.

I'm putting this cuff around her arm to take her blood pressure.

The Vampires #1: Alaric and FainaWhere stories live. Discover now