Ep 7. Not Normal

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Furiously, Alana catches Jack Crawford going into his office. As the glass door was just about to close on her, she swings it open. Bursting through the room so hard, she almost broke the thick glass door.

Jack stopped for a minute before taking a seat at his desk. He took off his glasses and breathed in deeply. He was caught. 

Alana glared at him, trying her best to calm herself before she begins to throwing things at him.

"What the hell, Jack." She said, through gritted teeth, "It was bad enough that she met the guy who killed her dad! You send a random woman - without my authorization- to see my patient?" Alana paused, trying to regain her composure. Alana stalked her way to Jack's desk and pointed away from her. She was gesturing to Morgan, "That woman tried convincing Abigail that she was in the same position as her! I know damn well you told her to get whatever 'truth' you believe that girl is hiding, Jack. But this is low," she growled, "even for you."

She reached his desk, staring his down. She waited for him to react, get angry and defend himself, but he gave nothing. 

"Who the hell were those people, Jack?"

The Agent calmly gestured for her to sit in the chair across from him. She ignored him, too upset to even sit. Jack eyed her, "I won't tell you anything if you don't sit, Alana."

Taking a deep breath to try and relax, she took a seat. Jack moves his glasses aside and leaned his upper weight onto his desk. He was trying to figure out the best way to explain to her the situation. 

"Those people have names you know?-" Jack clasped his hands together. 

"Don't do that, Jack. Don't avoid the question. Who. the. hell. are. those. people?" 

Jack sighs through his nose, "They're from the Reedus family-"

"Yah, I know that, Jack-" "They're Adrian Reedus' kids." 

Alana grew silent and glanced at away from him momentarily. She knew that name held a large weight around Quantico.

"Adrian was my partner years ago. We worked on the Orphio case together 23 years ago. Do you know anything about that case?" Jack bent over in his chair, and opened one of his drawers.

Alana nodded her head, "Yeah, his name was Nigel Hill. He was convicted of killing 2 people but the prosecutors believed he killed more. I've been trying to get an interview with him for awhile now." Alana shook her head and narrowed her eyes at him, "What does he have to do with this?"

Jack took the file out of the drawer, and tossed it in front of Alana. She took the file and opened it.

"Did you know he had a kid?" Jack leaned back into his chair. 

Alana looked at him, surprised. She had done her research on Nigel Hill, studied his case and taught some of her student's about him. How could she have not know?

"What? No, he didn't." Alana shifted in her seat, "Jack, I did my research on him, I watched the court hearing and read the case files. They're wasn't any mention about a kid. Even if there were, why does it matter if Hill had a kid. This has nothing do with Adrian nor Abigail, Jack."

"It matters because that kid is my godchild," Jack watched as Alana's eyes widen, "and Adrian's daughter."

Jack points at the file in Alana's hands, she looks down and notices a picture of a little girl not older than 10. She had long curly hair, caramel skin and big brown eyes. She looked so innocent. The little girl didn't look like daughter of a monster. 

"Jack, you didn't mention her father was a serial killer?"

"You didn't ask." Jack paused, "Until now."

"She was 7 years old when Adrian and I caught Hill. After the case closed, Adrian decided to adopt her and changed her name. He raised her ever since. He taught her how to be normal," Jack leaned forward, "and Morgan can teach Abigail to be normal too. That's why I let her meet Abigail."

"Don't forget you wanted information about those missing girls too, Jack. There isn't just one motive." Alana snapped, she closed the file and placed it on the desk. She had calm down now. However, now her mind was littered with questions.

"Yes, I did send Morgan to find out where those missing girls are too." Jack said, he took back the file and placed it back into his drawer.

"How can she even teach Abigail to learn to settle with her trauma? Are you sure Morgan did too?"

Jack was silent for second, "Morgan wasn't raised by Nigel to her knowledge. Adrian made sure to teach her to become like any kid other kid at school. Morgan is the best person for Abigail to have if she wants to go back into society feeling even the least bit normal and not the daughter of a killer alright."

"And what if Morgan is reminded of her own childhood trauma and breaks?"

"Are you asking me if Morgan is capable of killing someone?" 

Alana nods, "Yes, I am."

Again, Jack is quiet. He was doubtful for Adrian's in the beginning, he let go of his doubts a few years later seeing Morgan beside her brother. But when Adrian died, she changed. Morgan changed  completely and into another person that he didn't recognize. He was doubtful again. The only thing giving comfort to Jack was that he trusted Raymond to keep her in check.

"Yes," Alana was more than flabbergasted, "and so is everyone else in the entire world. It doesn't matter if she's capable of killing or not. The only thing that matters is that she can help locate those missing girls' bodies so that these families can have at least one goodnights rest."

Alana stands up angrily. It getting harder to contain her anger each minute. Alana puts a hand on her hips and the other on her forehead, she could feel a headache coming. Jack stood up and buttoned his suit.

"She's my patient, Jack!"

"And those girls were people's children!- And it's my job to find them! So I'm sorry if you don't like the way I operate but in this case, I'm handling the way I see fit. You are just going to have to deal with it." Jack stops around the side of his desk, letting Alana take a break.

Alana turns around and murmurs something under her breath to herself.

The Agent uses his finger to turn his office phone around,  "Besides, Abigail didn't hate her."

Alana turns back around with both hands on her forehead, watching Jack press a button on his desk phone. It played a voicemail of Dr. Lecter.

"Hello, Agent Crawford. I'm calling because I want to inform you that whatever Miss Reedus talked about with Abigail, it seems to have worked. Abigail wants to see Miss Reedus again -- and without Dr. Bloom this time. She even asked if we could guard the door. (He chuckles) We may need to talk to Alana about this situation first. However, I do believe Miss Reedus has improved Abigail's mood.-" Jack end the call there, looking at Alana. 

"Whether you like it or not, Abigail feels more comfortable with her and I trust Morgan will take care of her mental state. I will personally look after her if it makes you feel better."

Knowing nothing will change the Agent's mind this far into the decision, Alana yields her protests and Jack smiles gently at her. 

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