Truth part 2

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Ben point of view

To think that we came all this way for essentially nothing, I guess we got this mysterious call that grandpa made to his old partner but that still doesn't really give us much

Gwen consoling me: Ben we'll figure something out at least we know now that grampa was working on something recent and that's what gotten him killed

Yeah that's very true but it's not really much help: yeah but there are no files on any of that he was retired he was working this in his own time he was risking his own life not reporting it to anyone, so there's no paperwork no trail to carry up on grandpa left us nothing to try and find his killer

Rojo spoke from the front: Maybe he didn't realise he was gonna get killed and that's why you didn't leave a paper trail, or maybe these guys just really don't wanna be found and we shouldn't be snooping around it I know you To avenge your grandfathers murder or whatever but everything that we might just be out of our league here I mean honestly we barely survive today with squid head as he was working independently these guys are probably working in a group I don't wanna think about what they're gonna do to us if they find out we've been asking questions

She has a point, we have absolutely no idea what we're going up against how big it is how organised it is all we know is that grandpa discovered a terrible conspiracy that's happening on Earth and that's all we know and it's not much to go on. We could just be marching straight into an early grave

Charm caster: But we can't just give up even if it's not to avenge Ben and Gwen's grandfather it we should've very least try and discover what this terrible conspiracy is it could affect the whole world millions of lives could be at steak including yours Rojo

Okay now charm castor was making a good point if this conspiracy was as bad as grandpa was telling Phil it was it could very well affect the entire world, but that still leaves the big problem we don't know where to go from here

Gwen: yeah I agree with Doncaster we can't just let this go at the very least we need to find out what this conspiracy is, then report it to the proper authorities if needed maybe even report it to Phil

Attea: yeah no I don't think so, look I know he was your grandfathers partner and all but there's something about the whole situation with the alien he caught that's getting my attention it just doesn't make sense for an ailing of that species to be on Earth unless someone brought it here

Rojo: can we please stop talking about it! Look we looking to lead it didn't go anywhere can we just focus on driving to my next destination or whatever

No I can't let this go not until I know why my grandfather was killed, there has to be something something we're missing grandpa was probably working this conspiracy case by himself he would've had to make files somewhere either digital or paper but where would he put it would have to be somewhere he would never leave and somehow he would think was absolutely... Oh my God I am an idiot for not thinking this sooner

I have my eureka moment which nearly scares Rojo off the road: that's it!

Rojo yelled back as she swerved the car into the side stopping us from crashing: Jesus Christ! You nearly gave me a heart attack!!

I quite down as I apologise but my optimism remains high: sorry Rojo, but I just figured out where we can find files on what grampa was working on

Gwen: really where Ben where?!

I tell her: In the rustbucket it's the one place grandpa with keep that kind of stuff, he lives in this pile of boats and it's capable of moving so he's able to make sure that the files don't stay in one place for too long. It's the perfect place to keep secret files are close by and they're able to be moved it's literally the perfect place

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