Interrupted Rest

613 17 12

Dragon talk and yelling- "Bold, underlined and Italic"

Whispering and thinking- *small , underlined*

Writing- "Italic"

Human talk- "bold and underlined"


☄Xeno pov☄

It was a normal day for me go outside my cave hunt go home sleep then repeat sometimes I would have a deadly and brutal battles with a few other dragons but overalls I was at peace until today started.

"Already I can already tell this will not be a good day" I said while try my best to ignore the feeling as I make my way over to a lake to get a drink catching the reflection of myself.

"Already I can already tell this will not be a good day" I said while try my best to ignore the feeling as I make my way over to a lake to get a drink catching the reflection of myself

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(I do not own this)

"Not bad Xeno not bad at all"  I said as I felt a little bit of relief come over me as I make my way back to my den planning to sleep the day off when I hear a voice.

"By Odin what is that!?!" I look around the best I could so I can try and find whoever spoke but I couldn't see anyone or smell them assuming I hadn't been seen I went home and try my best to shake the feeling of being watched.

Hiccup pov 1 minute earlier☄

Me and Toothless were just flying around looking for islands we haven't seen before and dragons aswell in this new land we have discovered but were getting discouraged not finding anything

"Come on buddy it's getting late we better head on back to dragons edge" as I said that Toothless growls in disagreement as we keep heading forward I was about to bring it up again but I noticed something not to hard to miss a giant dragon easily 7 times as big as Toothless drinking water

"By Odin what is that!?!" I instantly covered my mouth as the dragon looked around, the dragon would have saw us if Toothless didn't soar into the sky hiding us among the clouds

The dragon looked around a bit before turning and headed to a mountain with a cave inside it we followed to the cave before deciding to turn back

"Come on bud we have to tell the others about this!" After I said that we started making our way back to dragons edge.


Me and Toothless came crashing into the base happy as ever that a possible new species was discovered, the others heard the sound of us crashing as they came to investigate, I quickly got some paper and began to draw the dragon from memory.

Xeno the Dark Light DragonWhere stories live. Discover now