Mini Story

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Jet's P.O.V 

I watched as Katara took care of Lee...I mean Zuko. I kept a distance after he tried outing him and his uncle. Le...Zuko has made it his mission to avoid me as much as possible ever since he save me.

 "Zuzu must care about you to do something stupid like doing forbidden fire bending ." I jumped when Azula stood next to me. I didn't even hear her walking up. I turned and looked at her, from the side you can see some resemblance both had that smooth tone of voice though Zuko's held more emotion

"You like him don't you?" She suddenly asked me. I bit my tongue and shook my head. Of course Zuko was cute and a great fighter for a firebender but I'm not admitting that to anyone. "I know you like him. you have the same look Mai did when she had a crush on him." I felt my body tense a little after she said that.

"I'm not going to tell him. It's too much fun when he gets flustered." I snickered remembering whenever I'd tease him back when he was just Lee. I do feel bad for trying to blow their cover, they just wanted a fresh start and I had finally starting to befriend Zuko but now I'm back to square one.  

"We won't tell anyone that you like him?" the fire princess stated. I turned towards her with a raised eyebrow. "We?" I asked suddenly her two friends were there. How are these three so quiet. "Yes we Mai and Ty-Lee know too but if you hurt Zuzu in any way, shape or form...Let's just say you won't like the outcome." 

Suddenly we heard Zuko roaring, he sounded panicked. I ran over and Zuko was freaking out. Katara's dad was next to Katara. Oh come on we just got him to stay still and not breath fire.

"It's okay Zuko," I heard Zuko's uncle states calmly, "The water tribe kids' father won't harm anyone he's just helping his daughter." Zuko didn't look convinced but he had the 'I'll have my eye on you' look before calming down.

"Okay until further noticed Dad you and the crew are not get near Zuko without Iroh." Sokka states. Toph stayed near Zuko to keep him company. Once his fever finally broke he stayed calm and rested.

"He'll be stuck like this and weak for awhile." Mushi stated patting Zuko on the head sadly

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